Week Beginnin gthe 28th May 2018

Welcome back to our blog! This week in Primary 7

  • In Literacy wrote an imaginative story titled ‘Stuck In the Story’
  • In Maths we have investigated Number Sequences
  • In Topic we have continued to set up our Rock bands – we created our popstars, our puppets, and started worked on our CD covers and merchandising!
  • In ICT we created an i-movie to share with other P7 classes as part of our Transition project.

P3 Week Beginning 28th May

It has been a little quieter in school this week after such a busy time last week. Our highlights of the week include:

  • We found out that our P4 teacher is Mrs Grant and we look forward to doing some work with her.
  • We have finished giving our talks about Living Things. Everybody did a fantastic job.
  • In maths we have been learning to multiply some 2 digit numbers.
  • We wrote acrostic poems about living things
  • We learnt about the life cycle of humans in health
  • Katie came in to help us with our learning yesterday. She is a high school pupil.
  • We learnt how vertebrates are organised as Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Fish and Amphibians

Gardening Gang 26th May 2018

This week the P6 group planted some marjoram plants – good for headaches, tension and sleeplessness – in the physic garden. They also planted some seeds: wood sage, used to treat sore and old wounds; yarrow, also known as staunchwort, soldier’s woundwort or the nosebleed plant which gives a clue as to what it was used for; and tormentil, good for bowel problems and sore throats. They also weeded and watered their wheat patches.
The P3 group transplanted some self-seeded marigolds from the P6’s wheat patch to their wellbeing and wildlife garden tyre – marigolds’ bright colour will definitely make us happy and bees love them too. Three of the class’s sunflowers were also transplanted into the tyre. The marjoram and nasturtiums are growing well.
The tyres along the back of the school were planted with some wildflower pollinator seeds by some P4s, and those in the infant playground were planted with the same by some P2s.
And Rosa’s mum did a wonderful job scrubbing down the bench and octagonal raised beds, ready for painting – always looking for volunteers to help with such adult-only tasks.

Week beginning 21st of May

Primary 2 have had a fantastic Health Week!  Thanks to Mrs Telfer and the HWB Committee for organising such great activities! We loved taking part in Boot Camp, Sport’s Day, Enjoy-a-ball, dance and Martial Arts.  We also learned lots from the police, the ambulance service, the RNLI and Mr Godley our local Podiatrist!


Health and Well Being 2018

What an amazing week we have had; we have had such a wonderful time participating in new activities and having talks from various visitors.

No better way to start our week than a ‘Boot camp’ during which we were all made to do a range of activities that were hard work but fun.

We had a talk from the RNLI who informed us all about the need to stay safe around water and the incredible job that the RNLI do keeping people safe, as well as the police and Mr Godley who explained the importance of keeping our feet healthy!!









Our sports day was lots of fun and we all enjoyed taking part in the races and activities around the field.









We were privileged to witness not one but two osprey chicks hatch, we are wishing the third the best and hope that we come back to school to see three chicks all safe and healthy.









We took part in golf, dance and Taekweon-do, seeing how much fun each of the sports is.










It has been a great week and we enjoyed every opportunity we were given.


Week beginning the 21st of May 2018

Hi all, we have had a great week in P7 ….taking part in lots of sporting activities.

We started off our week with Boot Camp which was very tough! We also had a visit from the ‘Police’ to tell us a bot about their job. We had Sports Day on Tuesday and a visit from the  RNLI to talk about water safety. We also played Netball, Football , Rounders and Martial Arts, but out favourite was Boogie Bounce! It has been a great week at St. Joes’s !

P3 Week beginning 21st May

It’s been Health Week this week and we have had a fantastic time. Our highlights of the week include:

  • A Paramedic came in and showed us his ambulance
  • We had sports day and the Yellow 1 team won
  • We wrote newspaper articles about sports day
  • The police came in and spoke about the uniform they wear
  • We had a boot camp and Bo’s mum joined us. Well done!
  • We have started giving our living things personal talks
  • We had football, Tae Kwon Do and a dance session
  • We have been doing some mindfulness colouring during milk time
  • We learnt about lifeboats with the RNLI and we learnt about feet from a foot doctor

Gardening Gang 23rd May 2018

This week the P6 group watered their wheat – all growing nicely! – and replanted some nasturtiums and marigolds which had self-seeded in one of the wheat beds – these can be reused in our physic garden or in the P3’s wellbeing and wildlife garden. The class had researched plants for our physic garden and have come up with some interesting choices! We planted some seeds from the first plant on their list this week – liquorice!

Some P4s and P5s planted courgettes, carrots – orange and purple! – lettuce and spring onions in our vegetable beds.
And our P3 wellbeing and wildlife competition tyre continued to progress – this week’s group planted marjorum (good for bees and smells good) in the tyre and planted out some lavender and pansy seedlings. P3s also earthed up our potatoes for our potato growing competition.
Lots of folk see the lovely cherry trees which are in blossom at the moment as they’re in the playground but if you get the chance, do take a walk around the garden and look at our lovely apple trees which are in full blossom at the moment. And while our pond sadly isn’t playing host to any tadpoles this year, at least some wildlife is enjoying it – this female blackbird was having a great time bathing in it!

Week beginning the 14th May 2018

Hello from Primary 7…. this week:

  • In Literacy we have studied the sad poem Timothy Winters and wrote a critical essay using PEE chains.
  • In Maths we have completed our block on Time and started our assessments
  • In Art we completed our Manga portraits and started to design our own pop stars
  • We also continued to practise for our Rock Band performance
  • We found out more about touch rugby
  • We packed bags with Mary’s Meals for children in Malawi
  • We helped our buddies with their Learning profiles


Sensational Sounds

This week we have been investigating sounds as we prepare to make our very own instrument. We have been looking at what materials are used to make different instruments as well as which part of the instrument actually makes the sound.








We carried out a scientific investigation to discover which material is best to insulate sounds. We had to use a decibel meter to measure how loud the alarm was when wrapped in various materials. We are surprised that the bubble wrap worked best.

Mr Reed created a bell using a metal coat hanger and string, this sounded as loud as the school bell!!

In preparation for our next big write, we have been choosing which animal we will be writing about as we create our own version of Dick King Smith’s The Water Horse.

During our maths we have been reinforcing our understanding of division using known facts and the bust stop method to solve questions with larger numbers.

We have been watching the Osprey nest every day as we eagerly anticipate the arrival of the chicks, the first is due to hatch early next week.

We enjoyed our games sessions this week, we were playing ball games in small teams.









We are really looking forward to next week and taking part in all our health and well being activities.

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