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P7 – Week beginning the 5th February 2018

Welcome back to our blog!

This week in Primary 7 we found out all about Staying Safe online. We had an assembly on ‘Safe Internet Use’. We also joined a Collaborative Skpe event where other schools talked about  how to stay safe online.  Then we created our own safe internet pledges.  We have worked hard to complete lots of work this week.

  • In Literacy we have carried out lots of research on the life of Anne Frank. We then choose whether we wanted to write a diary recount or a biographical recount on her life.
  • In Maths we found out about improper and mixed fractions, we also found out how to add fractions.
  • We enjoyed playing Sumdog on the app on our ipads to reinforce our Maths Strategies
  • In Health and Well-Being we found out about the Skeletal System by completing challenges outside.
  • In topic we investigated propaganda and how it was used to influence people during the war. We created propaganda posters.


P7 Week beginning the 29th January 2018

This week in P7 we have been busy.

  • In Literacy – we finished off our WW2 evacuee letters home to their parents.
  • In Maths – we found fractions of amounts, we simplified fractions and found equivalent fractions.
  • In Topic – we looked at human rights and how the ‘rights’ of the Jewish people were taken away during the Holocaust.
  • In Art – we created a Star of David badge that the Jews had to wear during WW2 and thought about how they would have felt. We also continued to work on our Anderson air raid shelters. We found an air raid shelter locally to help us create our own designs.
  • In RE – We looked at ‘Serving the greater good’ and how we could help SCIAF help people in Cambodia this year stop illegal fishing as part of the WEE box appeal.


P7 – Week beginning the 22nd January

Welcome back to our class blog! This week has been hectic in P7.  We have been busy learning and having fun!

In Topic – we found out about rationing and used our Maths skills to work out how many pieces of clothing we could get with our coupons! We also did some wartime shopping and didn’t like the idea  of buying powdered eggs!

In Literacy – we wrote  a letter from an evacuee home to their parents. We enjoyed putting ourselves in an evacuees shoes and thinking about how they would have felt seeing cows and sheep for the first time.

In Maths – we continued to investigate Fractions

In Music – we learned the wartime song ‘We’ ll Meet Again…’ by Vera Lynn.

We also had a focus on Scottish music and poetry, we listened to lots of Scottish tunes and decided that we would play ‘The Bonny Banks of Loch Lomond’ on the Trumpet. We all loved the music from the movie ‘Sunshine on Leith’ and choose to sing the song ‘Make My Heart Fly’; our Highland Dancers choose the ‘4 step Highland Fling’ and ‘ The Sword Dance’ and we were busy all week practising for our Burns’ performance.

On Thursday – we went to a Burns’ Ceildih at St Kent’s and met lots of other P7s.

We had a great time performing at Our Burns’ Celebration on Friday.



Week Beginning the 8th January

Happy New Year everyone. Primary 3 hopes you had a fantastic holiday. This week’s highlights include:

  • We have been making 2018 calendars
  • We have been learning about New Year celebrations
  • We made a 2018 booklet which including things we are looking forward to and things that we are going to try and stop doing. For example some of us said we are going to stop leaving our bedrooms messy!
  • We have been thinking about how we got on with last terms targets and looking at our Profiles.

Slippers For Shelter

Thanks to all those who wore their slippers and brought in a donation .

Well done , thanks to your help we were able to send  £264 to the homeless at Christmas.

Week beginning 13th of November

This week primary 2 have been learning the ‘i-e’ sound.  We have been writing a description of our favourite toy using adjectives.  In maths we have been partitioning numbers within 100 and writing and making addition sums within 20.  We have been continuing with our nativity practice and learning our Christmas song to perform to the school community in December.

Gardening Gang Friday the 10th November 2017

As it’s Poppy Week, some of our Master Gardener pupils and some new members of gardening gang had a look at our tyre planter full of poppies and we talked about the real flowers which inspired the paper symbols. Some of the pupils then planted tulip bulbs in our tyre planters so we’re hoping for a beautiful display in spring! And the others helped plant some flag iris and marsh marigold in our new wetland patch – parents dug the planter out and lined it with plastic this week to make the area around our little pond a boggy spot which we will fill with wetland plants, learn about the importance of wetlands to the environment – and perhaps even attract some wetland wildlife come spring!

Gardening Gang Friday the 3rd November 2017

This week gardening gang adult helpers painted the raised veg beds and put coloured gravel in the shapes on the ground – with the new chippings down it’s all looking very smart, do have a walk past and have a look.

Last week we welcomed 11 new gardening gang members who, with three of our Master Gardener pupils, helped collect nasturium, sweet pea, marigold, cornflower and poppy seeds, some of which we will use in the garden next year and some of which we will sell. Adult helpers also put the end of chippings down in the infant playground which will hopefully make it a bit less muddy this winter.