Category Archives: Primary 6

This Week in P6

Hi everyone, we have had a very exciting time this week. Our team won the Scottish National Finals of the Euroquiz 2021!

The Euroquiz is run by the Scottish European Educational Trust (SEET). It sees teams of four working together to broaden their knowledge of Europe and the wider world.

Team members  demonstrated an impressive level of knowledge about European languages, history, geography, culture and European affairs to finish 1 point ahead of; Strathblane Primary School in Stirling (2nd place) and 6 points ahead George Watson’s College Junior School in Edinburgh (3rd place).

Over 440 schools, involving over 2,200 pupils from across Scotland took part in Euroquiz Heats earlier this year, with the Saint Joseph’s Primary Linlithgow team;  winning the West Lothian heat in May to secure their place in the online finals.

Our team are delighted with their win!

We also made Jackson cubes in Maths and  created our own designs using recycled paper.


Take a Peek at our week

Hi everyone,

This week in Primary 6 our focus has been on ‘Climate Change’. We  completed our ‘Climate Change’ posters and researched information to  start our information reports on our chosen form of renewable energy. In Maths we investigated different sustainable development goals in relation to statistics presented in complex ways. They then made our own surveys and used ‘excel’ to create graphs and charts.

Take a Peek at Our Week

This week in Primary 6 we investigated timetables further in Maths. We created posters to inform others about Climate Change. We up-cycled cardboard boxes to  create  3D designs of our choice e.g. guitars, telephones, and castles. In Science we found out about fossil fuels. We researched some more facts on the EU and our team won the West Lothian Euroquiz final on Friday!



Take a Peek at our Week in Primary 6!

Hi everyone welcome back our blog .  This week in Primary 6 we completed our information reports on our chosen EU country. We  calculated time intervals by reading timetables in Maths,  we built electrical circuits in STEN and we and looked at how to different background settings to make our images more powerful.

Here are some of our pictures!

Week beginning 19th April 2019

Hello everyone, welcome back to our class blog. This week we started our new topic this term we will become ‘European Explorers’.  We will travel around Europe and find our about different countries locations, customs and culture. In Maths we revised 12 and 24hr time, created our own clocks and ‘Time’ posters.  We choose a European country, researched information online and wrote our Country fact files. In Science we found out about Electricity. In Art we studied the European artist Claude Monet and created out own impressionist pictures.


Right of the Week – Article 23

This month is ‘National Autism Awareness’ week.

Our Right  of the Week this week is Article 23

A child of with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and independence, and to play an active part in the community. Governments must do all they can to provide support to disabled children.