All posts by Mrs McMaster

Health Week and Sports Day

Good Morning Everyone.

Thank you for all the fabulous photos and videos I have received.  I am really enjoying seeing what you have been busy with during Health Week so far.

Our 4 house captains would love you to complete the 6 sports day activities to gain points for your house.  They made these lovely posters since they can’t be there is person to cheer you on!                  

St Joseph’s Sports Day


Sports Day' Banner - Primary Treasure Chest

Good morning everyone! As part of Health Week we always enjoy our Sports Day.  Although we can’t join together out the field like we usually do, I would still love to see you taking part in some activities and gaining points for your house.  All the information you need is on the link below.  You can complete the activities any day this week (the weather is looking good for today and tomorrow!) and you have until Friday 5th at 12noon to email your evidence to me.  Have fun!St Joseph’s Sports Day