All posts by Mr Brice

Week Beginning the 8th January

Happy New Year everyone. Primary 3 hopes you had a fantastic holiday. This week’s highlights include:

  • We have been making 2018 calendars
  • We have been learning about New Year celebrations
  • We made a 2018 booklet which including things we are looking forward to and things that we are going to try and stop doing. For example some of us said we are going to stop leaving our bedrooms messy!
  • We have been thinking about how we got on with last terms targets and looking at our Profiles.

Week beginning 18th December

The last week of term! All the Primary 3 children would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Our highlights from this week include:

  • Rebecca won a prize from Tesco for their bauble design competition
  • Anna M won the Primary 3 design a Christmas card competition
  • Ruby won the Rotary Club Coffee Morning Poster competition. We look forward to seeing her poster in town sometime in the New Year.
  • Arlo became the first of us to reach 20 rainbow stickers
  • We completed some writing about the Nativity Story
  • We had a whole school reward afternoon
  • We finished our board games and played them with the Primary 2 class
  • In maths we finished our work on shape by creating some Christmas pictures out of 2D shapes
  • We finished giving our personal presentations about Toys

Week Beginning 11th December

Wow, this has been such a busy week in the run up to Christmas. Our highlights from this week include:

  • We did our Nativity performances in the hall and at the church. We all did a fantastic job.
  • Those of us in the Choir were filmed and our video will be going on the council website.
  • We have been making our very own board games.
  • We had our Christmas lunch
  • We have been making coffee morning posters for the Rotary Club
  • On Monday we went to see ‘Beauty and the Beast’ the pantomime, it was great.
  • In Maths we have been looking at 3D shapes and 2D shapes
  • We have been presenting talks about Toys
  • We made a recipe for Mince Pies
  • Today it is Christmas slipper day and we are raising money for ‘Slippers for Shelter’.


Week Beginning the 4th December

This week we started a new topic ‘The Toy factory’ we have also had to do lots of practice to prepare for next weeks Nativity. Our highlights from this week include:

  • Advent has started and we have our own advent calendar which we have been opening each day. We also looked at the one on the CBeebies and CBBC website.
  • In Maths we have been learning about 3D shape and we made cubes to go on our Christmas Tree.
  • We played a board game and have been designing our very own board games.
  • We walked to the church to practice the Nativity.
  • We learnt about St Nicholas and completed a reading comprehension about him.

Week Beginning the 27th November

This week’s big highlight must be our benchball festival. Everyone represented the school so well. We all tried our best and enjoyed ourselves. We scored lots of goals and won lots of matches too. Mr Brice is very proud of us. Our other highlights from this week include:

  • We conducted an experiment to see if ice would melt quicker if it was wrapped in a sock. Learning about insulation.
  • We made model Noah’s Arks and rewrote the story in our own words
  • We learnt some colours to create a French ‘Arc en ciel’.
  • In maths we have started to look at how to add with bridging.
  • We have been preparing for the Christmas Fair

Week beginning 20th November

This week it has been Road Safety Week and we therefore completed some work about it! In class our highlights from this week include:

  • We have created underwater ocean scenes out of cereal boxes and we look forward to putting them up on display.
  • P5 had there mass this week and we were awarded 5 minutes extra play for excellent behaviour.
  • We wrote about a trip on a submarine using lots of descriptive words
  • We have been making road safety ‘Park Smart’ posters for a whole school competition.
  • In Maths we have been adding two digit numbers using a number line, hundred squares and deans.

Week beginning the 13th November

This week it was a very special week because it was Mr Brice’s Birthday! In class our highlights from this week include:

  • We learnt more about Remembrance Day.
  • We’ve been learning the importance of saving water with GabiH2O. We made leaflets to tell people about them.
  • In Maths we have been adding on 11 and 9.
  • We’ve made bookmarks for the school library, soon we will be able to use them.
  • We had shiny Friday: Committees and Master classes.
  • We’ve started collecting books to sell at the Christmas Fair.

Week beginning 6th November

This week we had parents evening. Our parents had the opportunity to see our jotters and our teacher. Our highlights from this week include:

  • We used alliteration and onomatopoeia to create firework poems with Mrs McClean
  • We worked in small groups to create water cycle posters and we made water cycle wheels
  • We played top spot in Maths to practice our addition
  • Miss Scott joined us on Tuesday morning we look forward to seeing her next week too
  • We learnt about the life of St Francis of Assisi
  • There was a book fair at parents evening

Week beginning 30th October

It has been a scary at school this week. On Monday everyone dressed up to celebrate Halloween. Our highlights from this week include:

  • We had a Halloween Parade
  • Peter came on Monday afternoon to help us with our work. He will be coming all this term. He is a student from the Academy.
  • We had a Halloween activity afternoon
  • We created some firework art
  • We started learning about the water cycle