Home Learning P3/2 wb 26.10.20

Good Afternoon,

I hope you are all well. We are now able to begin home learning activities! P3/2 will now be able to access home earning on our blog. Each week children will bring home a reading book on Monday to be returned on Friday so it can be quarantined. The children will read a book from the same level in school.  The children will have brought home a learning pack today which is theirs to keep at home; please don’t bring anything back into school.

I will post new spelling words each Monday they are split into groups, Red, Blue and Yellow. In the home learning pack there is a jotter with a coloured dot on the front to show you which group words to follow. In the pack there is a spelling challenge grid that you can select spelling activities from. Please do the same with the reading challenge grid with the home reading book. There are also letter formation examples and handwriting words.  I will also post a link to a Maths game or activity each week.

These are just suggested activities for you please just do whatever suits you and your family as they work stays at home with you.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind Regards

Mrs Grant

Spelling 26.10.20



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