P5 – Week Beginning the 26th August 2019

Welcome to Primary 5. We hope you’ve had a lovely summer. We are all settled in Primary 5 and are looking forward to telling you about our learning this year.

This week we in Reading we chose our new books and found out how to be Book Detectives. We also found out how to retell a story and how to include the main points. In Writing we learned how to create a character description. In Maths we revised Place Value and found out more about 2D shapes. In P.E. we developed our Handball and Tennis skills. In Art we created some body action figures in the style of Keith Harring. Finally we found out about tour new topic The Body Snatchers! We were excited to learn that the basic blocks of the body are called ‘Cell’. We found out all about the cells by completing different topic challenges.

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