Week Beginning the 4th March 2019

Welcome back to our blog.. this week in P7 in Literacy we completed our Critical essay on the poem Timothy Winters using P.E.E chains. We also completed our block on ‘Money Maths’ we know the importance of budgeting, how to use Debit and Credit cards, and we can also say what VAT, APR, and discounts are. In Topic we found out about transport in Japan. We were very impressed by the speed of the bullet or Shinkansen trains and we drew our own. We also found out about one of the longest bridges in the world, the  Akashi Kaikyo Bridge. We enjoyed eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and had a lovely Lent service on Wednesday and thought about our own Lenten journey. On Thursday we designed tokens for ‘World Book Day’.  We also had out first read through of Mary Poppins. Finally we created fireworks pictures with Mrs Ross.


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