Week Beginning 26.11.18

This week Primary Two have been busy learning:

  • Literacy: We have been learning to word build, blend and segment words with the long e sound (e-e). We have been doing lots of active stations to help us practice this!
  • Maths: We started our data handling block this week and began looking at Venn diagrams. We know how a Venn diagram works and how to read one. We also worked with a partner to create a Venn diagram about our favourite foods- it was great fun!
  • Topic: We are still working on our night and day topic. This week we have been learning all about animals that are nocturnal and diurnal. We worked with a partner to sort them into categories on a table.

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to all of you (parents and children) for making me feel so welcome over the past few months. Your support has been very much appreciated.

Primary Two- every single one of you are super stars and it has been a pleasure getting to know you all! Best of luck!

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