Week Beginning 12.11.18

Primary Two have been very busy this week. We have been learning lots!

Maths: We have been learning about 3d shapes. We have been testing 3d shapes to see if they could roll, stack or slide. We had lots of fun doing this!

Literacy: We have been listening to the story of Owl Babies and sequencing it in the correct order to retell the story. We have been learning about the long O sound this week (e.g. bone, note). We have been using adjectives to describe the dark and why we like it.

Topic: We have been learning about reflective clothing and how it can keep up safe in the dark. We have also been sorting activities that we do during the day and at night.

We have also been practicing for the Nativity which is going very well! Please could costumes begin to be brought in next week in a bag labelled with full names and classes. Thanks for your support.


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