Week Beginning 1.10.18

This week in P2 we have been very busy! We have been learning:

  • In Maths, we have been learning all about subtraction, building on what we learned in P1 and now we can subtract numbers from 20!
  • In Literacy, we have been working on the ‘oo/ew’ sound, we did some activities to help us with this.
  • In our writing this week, we wrote a story all about midnight in the toy shop. Miss McCormack was really impressed with all of the describing words we used.
  • In topic, we have spent this week doing our class talks, we all learned a lot about each other’s favourite toys. Miss McCormack was very impressed!
  • We also completed our sponsored LEPRA workout. We had great fun- thank you to everyone who sponsored us!
  • Today, we spent some time learning all about how to make apple juice. We had a go at putting the apples into the press and then we turned a handle to crush the apples and squeeze out the juice. We all really enjoyed it and thought the juice was better than what we buy in the shops!

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