Gardening Gang 24th August 2018

Gardening gang update:
Friday saw the children who planted wheat seeds in the spring harvest their wheat. Sadly one bed of wheat had been infected with a funghal infection and we were advised not use it but we harvested the other bed and the wheat is now drying in a classroom, waiting to be threshed and winnowed.
And some children from P5 and P6, including some who helped with the planting, harvested our carrots, giant courgettes – now marrows! – and spring onions.
And big thanks to the parents who have helped prune the apple and pear cordons along the back fence and put up some meshing. This was because children (not from St Joe’s!) were seen taking fruit from through the fence and using it as footballs and missiles so the meshing is an effort to save the wonderful crop that is ripening and which we’re hoping to harvest with the children in the coming weeks.

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