Gardening Gang 26th May 2018

This week the P6 group planted some marjoram plants – good for headaches, tension and sleeplessness – in the physic garden. They also planted some seeds: wood sage, used to treat sore and old wounds; yarrow, also known as staunchwort, soldier’s woundwort or the nosebleed plant which gives a clue as to what it was used for; and tormentil, good for bowel problems and sore throats. They also weeded and watered their wheat patches.
The P3 group transplanted some self-seeded marigolds from the P6’s wheat patch to their wellbeing and wildlife garden tyre – marigolds’ bright colour will definitely make us happy and bees love them too. Three of the class’s sunflowers were also transplanted into the tyre. The marjoram and nasturtiums are growing well.
The tyres along the back of the school were planted with some wildflower pollinator seeds by some P4s, and those in the infant playground were planted with the same by some P2s.
And Rosa’s mum did a wonderful job scrubbing down the bench and octagonal raised beds, ready for painting – always looking for volunteers to help with such adult-only tasks.

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