Gardening Gang 23rd May 2018

This week the P6 group watered their wheat – all growing nicely! – and replanted some nasturtiums and marigolds which had self-seeded in one of the wheat beds – these can be reused in our physic garden or in the P3’s wellbeing and wildlife garden. The class had researched plants for our physic garden and have come up with some interesting choices! We planted some seeds from the first plant on their list this week – liquorice!

Some P4s and P5s planted courgettes, carrots – orange and purple! – lettuce and spring onions in our vegetable beds.
And our P3 wellbeing and wildlife competition tyre continued to progress – this week’s group planted marjorum (good for bees and smells good) in the tyre and planted out some lavender and pansy seedlings. P3s also earthed up our potatoes for our potato growing competition.
Lots of folk see the lovely cherry trees which are in blossom at the moment as they’re in the playground but if you get the chance, do take a walk around the garden and look at our lovely apple trees which are in full blossom at the moment. And while our pond sadly isn’t playing host to any tadpoles this year, at least some wildlife is enjoying it – this female blackbird was having a great time bathing in it!

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