Gardening Gang

First gardening gang update in a while!
With the sun finally shining, we’re getting back out into the garden! P3 have entered a Burgh Beautiful competition and will be planting in the large tyre opposite their classroom against the fence so it would be really appreciated if children (and grown-ups!) would not sit/walk/climb on the tyre or the soil, or else the new plants will get all squished. P3 will be creating a wellbeing and wildlife garden and the children had some great ideas what sort of flowers to plant – we’ll be getting started with some seeds soon. As you can see from the pics, it has a notice on it and a sort of willow guard to discourage trampling!
We’ve also scattered wildflower seeds over the muddy bank behind the two Norway maples (along from the back of the Rose club) – we had a large box given to us from Burgh Beautiful and we added some more. Bit of an experiment but we’ll see how it works!

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