Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

March 31, 2020
by User deactivated

Free Audiobooks on Audible

Hi Folks,

Amazon Audible have made their collections of children’s stories FREE to listen to for as long as the schools are closed. The stories are sorted into different age categories, and are available in different languages. This is a great opportunity to experience stories you’ve not read before, strengthens listening skills, is a fun way to absorb new vocabulary and also a great way to escape without screen time! Follow the link to try it out:



March 31, 2020
by Miss Suen

Visit to the Zoo!

Good Afternoon Primary 1!

Hope you have enjoyed our first virtual school trip to Chester Zoo! Don’t worry if you missed it, here is a link to their tour: https://youtu.be/p53Glw5Nzro

Have you learnt anything new about these animals? if you want to learn more, here are some activities you can try!


My favorite animal has got to be the Red Pandas! What is your favorite animal from Chester Zoo?

Here is a link to the live cameras from Edinburgh Zoo.


You can also see more animals in 3D. To do this you will need to ask nicely to see if you could borrow your parents/ carers phone! If you type an animals name into Google Search and then press ‘view in 3D’. Then bring up your camera and then 30 seconds later you will have the animal you searched for in your house!


You can even ask your parents/ carers to take a picture of you and the animal together ! There are over 30 kinds of animals you can find! Explore and see how many of them you can find in your house. It would be lovely to see some of your pictures! I had lots of fun walking around the house with my tiger!

Have fun! Draw a picture of your favorite animal and write a little sentence about it!

Ms Suen 🙂


March 31, 2020
by User deactivated

Hello P1M – Draw some Spring flowers!

I hope you  are all well.  If you are lucky enough to see some from your windows, you may have noticed all the lovely daffodils have opened up in gardens or on the roadsides. Daffodils are beautiful, but they don’t last forever, so why don’t you have a go at drawing some of your own. Just follow the instructions on the link below. I know some of you might already be watching numberblocks on  bbc i-player but here is a little Power Point you might like to watch too.

Have fun P1 and Stay Safe.

How to draw Spring flowers

Numberblock Castle

March 31, 2020
by Miss Hanlon

Primary 4 Suggested Activities.

Good morning Primary 4.

I know some people are still having issues when trying to access the Files section in Teams, so I thought it might be useful to post this on here as well. These are some more suggested activities and work that you can focus on this week. Remember to complete any Sumdog assessments that have been set for you and try to work on the assignments that are already up on the Teams page.

P4 Suggested Activities

Let us know if you have any issues with accessing this link and remember to post any questions you may have onto the Teams page.

Have a lovely day.

Miss Hanlon.

March 31, 2020
by Miss Barclay

Primary 4 Maths Assignment Due 6th April

Hi Everyone!

I hope you are beginning to get used to Glow Teams! I know a few of you have found accessing files and the assignments tricky so here is a copy of the Maths assignment which is due on the 6th.

Worded Problems Assignment Due 6th April

If you can please turn in your solutions using the Assignments section of our Teams page, that would be great. If you cannot do this don’t worry, as long as you are giving the problems a go! A new Maths assignment will be going out to you all after this one is due and I will upload it here as well as in the assignments section of our Teams page.

Have a lovely day and stay safe,

Miss Barclay

March 30, 2020
by User deactivated

Up-levelling Task

Morning P.4, I hope you’ve had a nice weekend. Here is your first up-levelling task. It’s the same process that we’ve gone through each week in group sessions, so give it your best shot. Remember there are adjective and adverb sheets in the Files section to give you ideas. You can either copy and paste the paragraph and work on it on the computer, or print it out, or copy it out, and submit a photograph of your finished piece.  Remember to tackle just one sentence at a time. Have fun!

Up-levelling Task

1.     The girl skipped to the park.

2.    ***** was there.

3.    She felt ****

4.    The girl went to play ******.

5.    ?

Go through the 4 step up-levelling process, one sentence at a time.

1.    Find the nouns, underline them in blue, add an adjective.

2.    Find the verbs, underline them in green, add an adverb.

3.    Extend the sentence using the connective so on sentence 2, and because on sentence 3.

4.    Add an interesting time opener.


For sentence number 5, finish the paragraph yourself.

March 30, 2020
by User deactivated

Word Hunt

Noun, Adjective or Verb Hunt


Find a book or magazine in the house. Go through a few pages and try to find ten adjectives, ten nouns and ten verbs. Write down the title of the book and the author, and write out the lists of words. Remember to check in the File section to see the Noun, Adjective and Verb posters if you need a reminder.

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