Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

April 7, 2020
by User deactivated

Walking Paper Horse

Tuesday 7th April 2020

Did you know that you can make a paper horse that actually walks all by itself?!!  All you need is some paper, a ruler, scissors and a piece of wood or tray that you use as a sloping ramp. Click here for instructions (although you may need an adult to help with some of the trickier measuring and cutting.)  Why not make a few and have races with your family!

April 7, 2020
by Miss Gorman

Easter Holiday Activity: Get Moving and Making!

Here are a few different ideas to get you moving and exercising! Joe Wicks – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ Comic Kids (Yoga) – https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga Go Noodle – https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNoodleGames Scottish FA (Skills and Drills) – https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/performance/high-performance-resources/skills/ Oti Mabuse (Dance Class) – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC58aowNEXHHnflR_5YTtP4g Why not try out some of these musical links: Out of the Ark (Daily Songs) – www.outoftheark.co.uk/ootam-at-home Fischy Music (Online weekly assembly songs & other songs) – www.fischy.com OR www.youtube.com/fischymusic Chrome Music Lab (Activities exploring sound and simple composing) – https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com David Walliams Marvellous Musical Podcasts  (Composers & their works) – www.classicfm.com/…/david-walliams-marvellous-musical-podc…/ Ollie Turner Body Beats (Body percussion) – www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4mZhv9HS-g Enjoy! Mrs Davies & Miss Gorman  

April 6, 2020
by Miss Gorman

Easter Holidays Activity: Wordseaches

Good morning everyone!

Over the course of the holidays there will be a few activities posted on here to help keep you busy. We hope you enjoy your time off as much as possible, and we look forward to catching up with you after the break.

Stay safe!

Mrs Davies & Miss Gorman

Easter Wordsearch
Spring Wordsearch

Spring Flowershttps://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1732/spring-flowers/
There are also a range of other categories to explore!

Why not create your own?
Online – http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/WordSearchSetupForm.asp 
Printable template – Blank Wordsearch Template
You can even draw out your own grid on paper.

April 5, 2020
by User deactivated

Tortilla Pizza

Sunday 5th April 2020

If you are missing your take-away pizza why not make your own at home!  Click here for a super easy recipe that you can make with tortilla wraps.  Once you’ve made your base you can add any toppings that take your fancy. Buon appetito!

April 4, 2020
by User deactivated


Saturday 4th April 2020

I love the Elmer stories and I thought that this was a brilliant ideas as to how you could make your own Elmer out of an empty milk carton.  Even if you don’t have tissue paper at home I think it could work equally well by using paper from magazines or even material.  If anyone manages to make their own Elmer e-mail me a picture and I will put it up on the blog! (morna.matthews@westlothian.org.uk)


April 3, 2020
by Miss Buchanan

Check in

Hello again Primary 3!

Before you go off and enjoy your Easter Holidays I thought I would share this lovely resource that Mrs Fairley shared with me! It is a wellbeing check in that you can use with someone at home or just if you want to do it by yourself. If you need some strategies or ideas to help you feel better if your not feeling great have a look at some of these.

Wellbeing Cards


Mrs Russell and I have been missing you all and really hope you are enjoying learning from home!

Have a fantastic Easter Holiday and take care!
Miss Buchanan

April 3, 2020
by Miss Suen

Easter Break :)

Hello Primary 1, it is the last day of Term today!!!!

Mrs Carr, Mrs Meek and I would like to wish you a happy Easter and hope that you will take a good couple of days to relax and play! 

We will be back on here again on Monday the 20th of April 2020 with a new learning grid!

Here is one little Art activity you can try out:

Crayon Mirror Image (Easter/Spring)

You will need:

  • paper
  • crayon
  • pencil
  1. Fold a piece of paper in half. 
  2. Re-open and cover one side with a pattern using thick layers of crayon. 
  3. Fold the paper in half again so that the design is on the inside and at the bottom. On the outside, use a pencil to draw a design or picture. (You will need to press a little harder with your strong hand and fingers.)
  4. The areas you fill in with pencil will life the crayon from one side of the paper to the other to give a mirror image!!


ENJOY! Feel free to send us a picture of it when you finished!

There are a lot of other activities on the blog! Explore the blog and see what interesting tasks you can find!


April 3, 2020
by User deactivated

Spring Wreath

Hi Boys and Girls,

Happy last day of term, and Happy Easter Holidays! I hope everybody is looking forward to a well-earned rest over the next two weeks. If you’re looking for a nice craft activity that the whole family can join in with, how about making a Spring Wreath? All you need is egg cartons, glue, cardboard and paint! This is all a really great fine motor activity for strengthening little fingers. Have a look at this lovely example – https://ourpotluckfamily.com/egg-carton-wreath/?fbclid=IwAR3S6XINYja0eOZod0Zg4Xlz3UxC7CbxrHVfuHWMlt-njO1DK1t5TzUfTIw

Have fun making them – I’d love to see some finished examples. We’ll be making one in my house too!

April 3, 2020
by User deactivated

Lockdown Diary – Easter Holiday Activity

Hi P.4 (and anybody else who fancies giving this a go)!

Today is the last day of the school term, so Happy Easter Holidays! I hope you all enjoy a well-earned break, it’s been a bit of a chaotic journey to this point hasn’t it?

If you are looking for something to do over the holidays, I found this great Lockdown Diary that you can do. It’ll be lovely to look back on in months and years to come when everything is back to normal. There’s a ‘print at home’ version, and an online version – just follow the link and read the instructions.


Mrs Black

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