Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

April 20, 2020
by Mrs Duff


Good morning Primary 2! Bonjour! Another lovely morning. We hope you had a relaxing Easter holiday (although it would have been different from usual). Attached are the Maths and Literacy P2 Learning grids for this week and the worksheets to go with them. Remember to do them at your own pace – a little reading, writing and counting each day would be fantastic if you can.
There is also Sumdog – for great Maths games (as well as spelling and reading). We know some of you have been working hard with them – well done. For those of you still to give it a go – go on, try it this week – it’s fun! Topmarks is also great.
Remember, if there is anything you are unsure of, leave a comment and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Take care,
Mrs Duff and Mrs Kohler

2020_04_20 P2 LITERACY GRID

2020_04_20 P2 MATHS GRID

02_04_20 Pears Reading Comprehension

An Easter Adventure





April 20, 2020
by User deactivated

Nessy Reading and Spelling Programme

** Attention all Parents and Carers **

I have managed to obtain some free licences for the online Nessy Reading and Spelling Programme and can offer these to any parent or carer who would like their child to take part.   The programme has been designed for pupils aged 6-11 years and although primarily created to support dyslexic pupils can be used by any pupil as a means of improving their reading and spelling.  It has also been found to be particularly effective for pupils who are learning English as an additional language.

To receive a login just send me an e-mail (morna.matthews@westlothian.org.uk) with your child’s name, teacher and date of birth and I will provide you with login details.

For more information about the programme please click here.


April 20, 2020
by User deactivated

RME- A Good Father

Good Morning Primary 3! I hope you have had a nice Easter break and that you haven’t eaten too much chocolate! Ha ha! Now it’s time to get our brains back into action.

Lets think about some of the Bible stories we read before the Easter Holidays.  We read and talked about ,

  • Feeding the Five Thousand.
  • Jesus and the Children.
  • The Ungrateful Lepers.
  • Zacchaeus the Tax Collector.
  • Blind Bartimaeus.

Can you remember what happened in each of these stories? Share this with someone else in your house. In these stories Jesus and God, his father showed love, care, kindness and forgiveness. These are wonderful qualities to have.

Now have a look at the attachment.  Read it with someone in your house and try your best to do the task.  Good Luck!

P3-What makes a good father

April 20, 2020
by User deactivated

RME-David and Goliath.

Good morning Primary 2! I hope you have had a relaxing,fun Easter holiday. I’m sure you are all ready to get back to work.  Can you all rewind your brains back to our section of work on Sukkot? We learnt about the special guests called Ushpizins and listened to the story of Jacob and his brother Esau.  Today we are going to watching a story about a young shepherd boy called David.  The story is called David and Goliath.



God saw David’s heart.  It doesn’t matter what we look like on the outside.  If we are big or small or young or old. It is what is on the inside (our attitudes and our hopes and dreams) that is important.God helped David to be brave and strong and David trusted him.

Can you write the answers to these questions in your jotter?

  1.  Who were the Israelite people fighting with?………………..
  2. What was Goliath?………………
  3. Did David take the armour that King Saul gave him?……………
  4. How did David beat Goliath?……
  5.  Have you ever been brave? Tell me what happened………….

Good luck!

April 20, 2020
by User deactivated

French P2/1 and P1

Bonjour! Comment ça va?  I hope you have all had a lovely holiday and are ready to start your home learning again. This week we are going to be focusing on french colours – Les couleurs.  You may remember some of them, so let’s  practise .

  • Step 1 – Watch the following you tube video(Learn French colours/colors   French Colours) In this you will be able to hear the colours being said in french and you will get a chance to repeat them. After this there is a small game which asks you to listen and pick the correct colour of shoes from the picture.  Stop after the game.


  • Step 2– You can play a game with someone in your house.  They can hold up an object and you have to tell them its colour in french. OR they can ask you to find something that is eg. rouge and you need to bring them something that is red.


  • Step 3– Look at the attached sheet.  You can either print it out to complete or draw paint splats in your jotter and colour them in the correct colours. It has a little game at the end too!

p2-1 and P1 French colour sheet.

You can keep practising your colours.

Have fun!




April 20, 2020
by User deactivated

A Mouse Called Julian – Vocabulary Building Task

We Are Learning To: identify adjectives, verbs and expand our vocabulary.

This week I’d like you to watch a video of an author reading a story: A Mouse Called Julian, by Joe Todd Stanton. It’s only 4 minutes long, and is a good story!



Next, look at the question sheet attached: you can either print it out and photograph it, or complete it on the computer.

If you want to use an online thesaurus, this one is good and it also speaks the words out loud to you: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-thesaurus


I hope you enjoy the story!

Mrs Black

Mouse Called Julian Questions

April 20, 2020
by User deactivated

Alphabet Nouns

Hi P.4! I hope you’ve had a nice rest over the Easter break, even if it was a bit different to normal. We’ll start off this week with a grammar game, reminding ourselves what nouns are:

Proper Noun – somebody’s name, the official name or title of a place or building, day of the week, month of the year, name of a town or country.

Common Noun – name of an object, place (like restaurant or cinema but not their official title), person (like woman, teacher, girl, but not their official name).

Write or type out the alphabet, and try to think of a noun for every letter. Try walking around the house or garden looking for ideas.

April 20, 2020
by User deactivated
1 Comment

Phonics Consolidation

Hi P.2 & P.3 Pupils and Parents / Guardians! I hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter break and managed to relax a bit.

As we move into our next block of home learning, we’re going to revise the phonics techniques that were being used in Mrs Black’s phonic sessions. The approach being used is based on Read Write Inc, and I’m excited to say they’ve launched home learning videos on their YouTube channel. I’m working on a way to get a specific information home to each family to tell you which Sound Set each individual pupil is working on. For the next few days, I invite you to explore the Read Write Inc YouTube channel, and watch their introduction video specifically for parents. They have scheduled lessons every day, for Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3 sounds. Feel free to tune and watch, and I’ll get the details out to you as soon as possible. Mrs Black


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