Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

April 24, 2020
by Mrs Russell


Good morning everyone. Miss Buchannan and I hope that you have had a good week and have been able to enjoy some of the lovely sunshine we have been having. I hope that you have managed to do some of the homework activities to keep up with your learning, but the most important thing just now is to stay home and stay safe.

We will be posting next weeks home learning activities on Monday.

Enjoy the weekend.

We are missing you all.

Mrs Russell

April 23, 2020
by Mrs Duff

Sumdog – P2D

Hello P2D.
Just to say well done to those of you who have managed to log on to Sumdog and have been playing / working hard on it.
I check each day and I have been impressed. I even play too sometimes – Cannonball is my favourite game. What’s yours?
Remember, there are also Spelling and Grammar options to try too. Same games, different questions. Go on, have a go!
Well done to AO, CS, EA, GB, MM, MW, OK, RG and RW for completing the most recent assessment. I would give you each 10 House points if I could! The assessment runs until Monday for everybody else – good luck!

Take care,
Mrs Duff

April 23, 2020
by User deactivated

Seven Balls Challenge

Thursday 23rd April 2020

With all this lovely weather that we’ve been having, now is a good time to practise your throwing and catching skills with this Seven Balls game challenge.  Starting at 7 and working down to 1, complete each throwing and catching activity in order without dropping the ball.  If you make a mistake you must start at Number 7 again!

April 23, 2020
by User deactivated

Sumdog 3D shape challenge

Hello everyone,

Just a quick note to say “Well Done!” to M McK, AR, VL, EC, and SS who completed the Sumdog 3D shape challenge. If any of you haven’t tried this yet there is still some time left to have a go.

Mrs Meek

April 22, 2020
by User deactivated

Social Stories

** Attention all parents/carers **

It is a confusing and overwhelming time for us all at the moment but it can be particularly challenging for children on the autistic spectrum.  There are currently lots of social stories about Covid 19 online at the moment.  We  have included a roundup here of what we feel are the best ones to explain the current situation.


School is closed

The stay at home superheroes

What is the Coronavirus

Why do I have to stay at home

Why I am not going to school at the moment

April 22, 2020
by User deactivated

Hello P1 and P2/1

We hope you are all enjoying  this lovely weather.  For all you Disney fans,  take a look at the link below for a 10 minute burst of fun to get you all moving!  Once you have done that you might want to refresh your reading skills. Read the words and then try making up some sentences using these words.  You could write the sentences in your jotter and draw a picture to go with each sentence. We have also found some Maths challenge cards you can try out too.  Just scroll through the cards until you find something interesting.  Have fun!

Mrs Meek, Miss Suen and Mrs Carr

Disney Shake Ups

100 High Frequency Words

Maths Area Challenge Cards


April 22, 2020
by User deactivated


Well done to everyone who has been working hard to improve their reading and spelling using the Readingwise programme 🙂 .  I can see that lots of you have been working through the lessons and making excellent progress.  If anyone needs help with logging on please comment below or drop me an email here.

Mrs Matthews

April 22, 2020
by Mr Blackwood

Wildlife Activities

Hello P6.  Mrs McDermott and I hope that you are all doing well and managing to stay active and busy despite the lockdown?  We are continuing to do the main work through Teams so I hope that most of you are able to access it now.  Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you are still having trouble getting in and we will do all we can to help.  For anyone that is unable to access Teams we will continue to put work on here that you can hopefully access and please remember if necessary you can also get things printed out and supplied through the school by emailing the office directly on wlharrysmuir-ps@westlothian.org.uk.

On Teams I just put up some resources that you can use to observe and help the wildlife either in your garden or when you are out for a walk in your local area.  So I will share these resources here too.  It would be good to know who from P6 is using the Blog to keep up with us and just to see who is using it for the resources rather than Teams as it will help us to ensure we are getting things to everybody that wants it.  So could you please say hello in the comments below if these Blog posts are useful to you and perhaps let us know what else you might be looking for?  Thank you and take care.

butterfly detective spotting sheet

country butterfly

crows and other black birds


Garden birds


male and female birds

spider spotter


April 22, 2020
by Mrs Fairley

Online Safety Activities

The website ‘Think U Know’ provide you with support and resources to help you learn about online safety at home with your child. Please click on the relevant links: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/Support-tools/home-activity-worksheets/?utm_source=Thinkuknow&utm_campaign=03f521e658-TUK_ONLINE_SAFETY_AT_HOME_21_04_20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0b54505554-03f521e658-64731450

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