Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

April 29, 2020
by User deactivated


Sorry everyone, I keep forgetting to click on the P1 box when I am posting a new update on the blog.

You see, girls and boys, we all make mistakes……

If you go onto General News you might see some of the posts I put there by mistake but from now on I will TRY to remember to click on the P1 box!

Mrs Meek

April 29, 2020
by User deactivated

P1M Sumdog

Good Morning!  If you haven’t already completed any of the challenges or assessments you still have until 6:00PM  to have a go.

Number Word Assessment :- “Well Done!”, AR, M McK, SS, and VL

“Congratulations!”,  EC, LB and LM

3D Shape Assessment:- “Well Done!”, AR, LB, LM, M McK, SS and VL

“Congratulations!”, EC

Mrs Meek

April 28, 2020
by Mrs Fairley

Mrs Fairley’s Writing competition

Remember Mrs Fairley’s writing competition is due in this Thursday. You can email a copy to the school office-  wlharrysmuir-ps@westlothian.org.uk , upload to Teams or drop off a copy on your daily walk, I can’t wait to read them!


April 28, 2020
by User deactivated

Primary 1 PE

Hi Primary 1!

I hope you have been enjoying the sunshine and been able to spend some time being active every day.

Click here for some online resources and ideas of activities to try in your house or garden.


Click here for two Dice Games

P1 Balance Dice

P1 Dice Game

Have fun!

Miss Bethune

April 28, 2020
by User deactivated

Primary 4 PE

Hi Primary 4!

I hope you have been enjoying the sunshine and being able to spend some time being active every day.

Click here for some online resources and ideas of activities to try in your house or garden.


Click here for Active Monopoly

P4 Active Monopoly

Click here for Active Challenge Cards

P4 Active Challenge Cards

Have fun!

Miss Bethune

April 28, 2020
by Miss Suen

My favourite time of the day

Hello Primary 1 🙂 Reading stories to you all has become one of my favourite things to do in the day! One of my pink fluffy friend joined us for story time today!

Before the story I would like to share a lovely piece of writing by KMG! He created a little story with pictures and remembered to use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence. He included finger spaces and even a full stop at the end! Well done K ! 🙂

If any of you did a piece of work you are proud of and would love to show Mrs Meek, Mrs Carr or myself, just ask your parents/ carers politely and send it to this email address: wlharrysmuir-ps@westlothian.org.uk



Enjoy the story!

Today’s story is called Daisy and the Beastie by Jane Simmons.

Daisy and the Beastie

(Ms Suen might have made a mistake saying some of the words today ! See if you can spot it!)

April 28, 2020
by User deactivated

Good Afternoon P1 and P2/1

How are you all?  We hope you had a lot of fun playing outside during the warm weather because it might be getting a bit cold and rainy again soon!  Well done to any of you who have been on Sumdog to take part in the Challenges and Assessment tasks!  Here are some other activities for you to try out.  Don’t worry if you don’t have a printer as you can copy out  some of the work to complete in your jotters.  Then you have a little bit of exercise with the Boogie Beebies or make yourself some stick puppets!

Take good care of each other.

Mrs Carr, Miss Suen and Mrs Meek


Boogie Beebies


ee-a-oo code

ee a oo +s blends select to blend



April 28, 2020
by Miss Buchanan

Fingerspelling Challenge 3

Good morning Primary 3!

Here is our third fingerspelling challenge. There are three words for you to try and figure out. This time there is a food theme – yum! Some of the words are a little harder to spell so you may want to write them down.
Can you figure out Word 1, Word 2 AND Word 3? Comment below with your answers.

Remember try not to look at the other comments before you figure your answers out.

Remember there is also the fingerspelling challenge game – https://www.british-sign.co.uk/fingerspelling-game/


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