Hello Primary 2. How are you all?
End of week 2 learning at home. I am missing you all and all your news and chats – it’s so quiet!
By the way, are you still watching the moon? It has been a half moon this week. A full moon is due next Wednesday (8th April) – keep an eye out for it. It’s the holidays, so you might get to stay up late. Why not try star gazing with your family. The sky was beautiful last night and there was an amazing big bright star. My husband said it might have been the planet Venus! Wow!
I’ve attached the “Story of ch and ie” with the words highlighted, as promised. Did you find them all? Take a bow if you did.
There’s also the answers to the Squares and Triangles Maths questions. How did you get on? Say a loud “YIPPEE ME!” if you did your best. Let me know if you felt they were too easy or too hard and I can adjust the ones after the Easter holidays.
Take care all of you and remember to give your family an extra big hug.
Mrs Duff
2020_03_30 The Story of ch and ie Highlighted