Good morning Primary 2. Bonjour et ca va? We hope you have had a lovely weekend.
Are you ready to start your learning from home? We have attached a Maths and a Literacy Learning Grid for this week. It has your new spelling words as well as some revision work.
We will update these at the start of each week (apart from the Easter holidays when we will let you have some time off!) Please use these ideas to help you as well as the information in your Home Learning Packs.
Please use Sumdog daily, if possible. We will also update the Blog shortly with some useful websites such as Topmarks (Hit the Button etc) and ictgames (Spooky Spellings and Funky Mummy).
We will be checking the Blog daily and will try to reply to any comments made as soon as we are able.
Remember, keep trying your very best and don’t give up – you all have brilliant brains but you need to feed them!
Take care,
Mrs Kohler and Mrs Duff
March 20, 2020 | 0 comments