P5A Enterprise

Our P5A enterprise groups have been working so hard planning, budgeting, advertising and producing their own products to sell on their stall at the Christmas Fayre. They showed great team work, creativity and independence when three of our ‘companies’ put together their final products last week. Other companies will complete their products this week.

They are looking fantastic – you’ll need to be quick to snap up a bargain!

P3 Digital Leaders Lesson

Our digital leaders created and taught the P3s a lesson all about directions and coding using the Bee/Bluebots through different challenges!

p7 coding

We were doing micro soft arcade it went well and played sack the mole and after that they made there on game.

Digital Leaders Week Day 1

Our Digital Leaders began our Digital Learning week planning lessons for P6, P2 and P1. The P1s used the Beebots to practise coding directions through self-drawn mazes!


Today, P5B were split into groups and had to create a story using the items they were given. The class were able to use their imagination to create fantastic stories!

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