Our P7 and P1 buddies spent some time together creating their own Christmas decorations out of card and cotton wool.
Retro Gaming in the Den
After an afternoon of coding we finished off by exploring technology from the past. Today we looked at retro gaming on the Nintendo 64. Teamwork and pixelated graphics!
p7 coding
We were doing micro soft arcade it went well and played sack the mole and after that they made there on game.
Digital Leaders Week Day 3
Today the P7s were being shown how to code their own clicker game on Makecode Arcade.
Digital Leaders Week Day 1
Our Digital Leaders began our Digital Learning week planning lessons for P6, P2 and P1. The P1s used the Beebots to practise coding directions through self-drawn mazes!
Education Scotland Code-along
P7 were doing a code along with education Scotland today called “lost in space”
Baking Metaskills Week 1
Week 1 of baking we melted chocolate over biscuits and decorated them. We were researching and creating our own recipes for the next masterclass! ‘Creativity is messy’
P7 Spanish talk
P7 have been learning Spanish. We made animated conversations in Adobe Express.