Our P7 and P1 buddies spent some time together creating their own Christmas decorations out of card and cotton wool.
Digital Leaders Week Day 1
Our Digital Leaders began our Digital Learning week planning lessons for P6, P2 and P1. The P1s used the Beebots to practise coding directions through self-drawn mazes!
Outdoor Learning Fun in P1
Primary 1 have been loving their Outdoor Learning lessons this term! We have been carving pumpkins, building stick skeletons, creating patterns with natural objects and making outdoor number lines!
We are excited for more wintery experiences! Please remember your warm clothes on Tuesdays!
Fun filled week in Primary 1!
Primary 1 had a busy week in the play room; dressing up, completing puzzles and building Lego creatures!
P1’s first school trip at Mill Farm
Written by Digital Leaders
On Monday P1 went to Mill Farm and had lots of fun playing on trampolines, going on a tractor ride, learning how the wind mills work and petting all the animals!