Happy World Book Day from Primary 6 📚

Primary 6 have had great fun celebrating World Book Day!

They joined the ‘Footy and Booky’ quiz run by The National Literacy Trust and enjoyed hearing messages from famous footballers and authors encouraging them to keep reading.

They then worked in teams to match the blurbs to the front cover of popular picture books from their childhood.

Some brave pupils volunteered to read out the books to the class.

The children then worked in groups to act out the stories.

In the afternoon, Primary 6 had fun creating their own Mr Men and Little Miss characters and writing stories to share with younger children in the school.

P6 Pancakes

Primary 6 made some pancakes with butter and jam, just butter, just jam or just plain!

Written by P6 digital leader

Primary 6 badminton

Primary 6 had the privilege of welcoming in High School pupils to teach badminton yesterday. They played lots of fun games and made great progress in their badminton skills.

Primary 6B rhythmic gymnastics

Primary 6 have enjoyed learning skills in rhythmic gymnastics in PE. They have learnt to balance and move using a ball, hoop and ribbon and have created short routines.

Primary 6 science

Primary six have been learning all about forces in science. Today they investigated the impact of air resistance in the time a piece of paper takes to fall to the floor. They changed the shape of paper and found that the smaller the surface area, the lower the air resistance.

Primary 6 Christmas Party!

Primary 6 had a wonderful time at their Christmas Party this week. They played lots of fun games, ate some party snacks and danced the Dashing White Sergeant!

P6B at Summerlee

Primary 6 had a wonderful day out at Summerlee museum learning about life in the Victorian era and about the job of a miner from the 1840s onwards. They took a trip down a mine to see how dark, damp and cramped working conditions would be for miners and enjoyed looking around the miner’s cottages to learn about life in a variety of eras. They then took part in a fabulous workshop where they dressed up as Victorian school children, looked at some artefacts and practised copperplate writing.

Down the mine

The Victorian workshop

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