Tag Archives: Primary 5

Lendrick Muir

Everyone has settled in really well. No tears (though not a huge amount of sleep either!).

Yesterday’s activities were a combination of two of the following;  Low Ropes, Tree Climb, Nightline and Mini Survival. Last night we all took part in the Iron Man challenge. This morning was a huge Search and Rescue mission (task- not a real emergency!) in the beautiful weather.

This afternoon each group will complete the two remaining activities from the above list. Tonight we’ll all get dressed up for the Cheesy Disco!

Lendrick Muir


Tomorrow morning we’re looking forward to stripping beds, packing cases,  Team Challenges and Rocket Launch.

After lunch we’ll head back home. We are hoping to be back at school for 3/3.15. Please meet the children from the bus if you can as it will save them pulling their luggage up to the school. We will groupcall if there are any delays.


Day Two

Another super busy day today.

A woodland team challenge to start, next the teams used their points earned to buy materials for the egg challenge. Only one egg made it 🙂


More activities, a survival game, adventure playground and now the ‘Cheesy Disco’!

Loads of fun had by everyone, weather was pretty awful at times but it didn’t stop us having fun.

A few more activities in the morning. We’re having lunch then heading off. We should be home at the end if the school day tomorrow (and lots of very dirty clothes coming home).





Primary Five Update – 12/3

As part of World Book Day P5 made Vlog (video blogs) book reviews. We uploaded them to Espresso (a topical schools website) and we were delighted today when one of our pupils was featured in their news bulletin. Well done to all the children who took part, the standard was high! Especially well done to Hannah for her starring clip!

Screenshot (1) Here’s a screen shot from the broadcast.


This week is West Lothian Sumdog Maths Competition. We are super keen and all set to do our very best and make it on the leaderboard! We managed a very respectable 15th last time but since then we have been polishing our skills and are very hopeful for a higher ranking. Watch this space!

Go for it P5!


Primary Five- The First Post!

Welcome to Primary Five’s first contribution to the Blackridge Primary School Blog.

This week we have been working hard researching Victorian houses and the features associated with these. We collected ideas and sketched them in our project books before incorporating them into our super duper house drawings.

We are now looking forward to creating a Victorian street scene. We will post a picture or two when it is completed!


Can I take this opportunity to remind everyone that gym is on a Tuesday and Wednesday and gym kit should be brought on these days.