Tag Archives: Bloom’s

Lower School Masterclasses- Skills for learning, life and work.

The children in Primary 2,3 and 4 have been busy developing their skills for learning , life and work. They have participated in a range of masterclasses which culminated in a showcase for their parents. Masterclass choices were Orienteering, Fun with Food, Clay Modelling, Dance and STEM activities (Science, Technology,Engineering and Maths) We are very grateful to those pupils from Armadale Academy who led and assisted with our masterclasses.

The children evaluated their classes and decided which higher order thinking  skills they had learned.They also thought about what jobs they could do using their new skills.

Some of the comments included


‘We made our own maps of the classroom and made funny faces with the gym equipment!’

‘We made various clay animals creating our own patterns and designs.’

‘We all picked a song- took out ideas and put things in. We looked at other people’s ideas and changed them and put them into our dance.’


‘We watched what Leah was doing and compared it with our moves- we tried to make them better.’

‘ Mrs MacDonald did a demonstration and we copied- We also learned from each other.’

‘ We adapted some models.’

‘We tried to complete the course in a faster time.’


‘We tried something new.’

‘We took out parts of the dance to make it look better.’


‘ We sourced different foods and looked at ingredients.’

‘We applied all the tricks.’ (to our dance)

‘We applied skills to different models.’

‘ We used what we had learned about maps and a compass directions to follow an orienteering course out in the meadow’


‘We learned how to follow a map.’

‘We understood the main moves’

‘We understood food types and allergies. We understood the recipe and followed the method’


‘We remembered the routines and when we had to come in’

‘We remembered the instructions and the techniques’

‘ We stayed with a partner the whole time and remembered to be safe in the meadow’

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