Hello Primary 4, I hope you are all having fun in the snow! Here are some home learning activities to choose from: 1. Write a recount of your snow day. Remember to include an opening paragraph, 2/3 paragraphs about what you did and write a finishing paragraph. Include interesting adjectives (wow words) and thoughts and feelings. 2. Create a piece of Snowy Day artwork and bring it into school to show everyone. 3. Use Sumdog or Topmarks to practise your Maths skills! (Topmarks.co.uk has some great games for literacy and other subjects too!) 4. Create a game that you can use to practise your times tables. Bring your game in so we can play it in class! Remember to include instructions on how to play the game. 5. Build a BFG character with snow (the BFG, Sophie, one of the other giants). Don’t forget to take a picture to show us! See you all soon! Mrs Buchanan

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