Internet Research

This afternoon in P4 we have been researching the Egyptians for our topic. We used this website.

As well as answering some questions we came up with some fascinating facts.

Emma, Cara and Leah found out that there was an Egyptian God of Death, a God of the Sky and there is a secret door in the Pyramids.

Keri, Alicia and Eilidh found out that Rameses the Second had over 200 wives, 96 sons and 60 daughters. He wouldn’t have worried about Christmas presents though the girls found out, as Christmas wasn’t celebrated as Jesus hadn’t been born in Ancient Egyptian times, and Egyptians worshipped many Gods, not one God. They also discovered that Egypitans bathed in the River Nile and their soap was made out of animal fat and chalk. When people where Mummified oil and salt was put onto their skin. They also found out that Egyptians had 10 days in their week instead of 7. Keri thought it would be hard going to school for 7 days without a break!

Luke, Levi and Cameron found out that Tutankhamun was named the boy King after his Dad died as he was a King from the age of 9. They learned that most of the artifacts in Britain come from Sakhara. They also found that flint knives have very sharp edges and can be used for shaving and hairdressing.

Melissa, Katie and Emily found out that Cleopatra, who was a Queen, killed herself using a poisonous snake. They also found out that Tutankhamun’s father died when he was 25, and that Tutankhamun became King when he was only 9 (no pressure P5’s !)

Rachael and Sasha found out that the Egyptians made pink vases from Alabaster. They also found that the Egyptians made paper from plant called Papyrus.

Kai, Jack and Elle found out that most of the artefacts from Egypt which are currently in Britain were found in the 19th Century.

Jamie, Tyrese and Andrew found out that Julius Caeser, who was a Roman Emporer, was married to Cleopatra and so was Mark Anthony.

Logan and Matthew discovered that Tutankhamun was the 12th King of the dynasty.

Zoe, Ellis and Amy found out that when Tutankhamun was King, two generals took a lot of the decisions for him until he was older. He died of a head injury when he was 19.

Chloe and Ami discovered that Anubis was the God of death and mummification.

As you find out more facts P4 why not leave them in the comments below.

23 thoughts on “Internet Research”

  1. You did learn a lot P4, well done. You worked well in your groups, supporting each other and learning from each other.
    Has anyone got any more facts for me?

  2. egypt

    egypt has a lot of gold.

    egypt had a lot of king’s like tutinkahum.

    the king’s were called pharoes.

    important corps were berried under the pyramids.

    the pharoeh often married close female relatives such as his sister or sister in law.

    more than 7000 years ago, people from africa arrived in central egypt.

    the history of egypt started more than 5000 years ago

    the 3 pyramids at the town of Giza are more than 4,500 years old

    the ancient egyptians worshipped more than 1000 gods and goddesses.

    a god was normaly shown as a half animal, animal or half human

    they started building pyramids between 2696 and 1550 BC

    the river nile used to flood its banks every july

    the main transport egyptians used were boats accross the river nile.

  3. here is another fact for you mr drummond. did you know that tutinkahumn never got murdered he died from a brocken leg!

  4. when someone had toothache they cut a dead mouse in half and put it on there gums.
    King Pepi II kept some of his slaves coverd with honey to keep the flys away from him.
    Bread was so hard and grity it wore away teeth.
    mummified lice and lice eggs nits have been found on combs from egyptian tombs.

  5. Egyptisone of the most populous contries in Africa and the middle east .The great majority of its over 81 millon people live near the banks of the nile river in the area of about 40,000 square kilomelers 15,000,where the only arable land found .

    contrys in egypt are all close to the nile river because farmers had to grow crops.

  6. Egypt is one of the most popular countries in Africa and the Middle East. The great majority of its over 81 million people live near the banks of The River Nile in the area of about 40000 square kilometers where the only arable land found. The reason why most of the countries live beside the River Nile is so that farmers can grow their crops. Some Egyptian Gods were half man half animal. They found Tutankamoon’s tomb but did not get far enough Tutankamoon.

  7. Some fantastic facts P4! Well done! I hope you keep blogging over the holidays and share your amazing research!

  8. thankyou for the lego mr drummond and miss razzaq you are the best
    for people of the’s are the best.

  9. egypt was the most popler cunchry in the olding day’s.

    pepell in egypt yost to get rule by loods of kings.

    the pryamids was the sas of 40 elephants or more.

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