Tag Archives: Rights Respecting

UNCRC Level 2 Award achieved!

The Rights committee were thrilled to achieve the UNICEF UK Rights Respecting School Level 2 Award. This award confirms that the values of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child have permeated all aspects of the school community. Well done to the committee and Mrs Johnston for all your hard work and to all staff and pupils for their part in achieving this award.

All for One, Onesie For All

Torphichen Primary School pupils, staff and parents donned a spectacular array of ‘onesies’ to raise money for Children in Need.

Tigers, bears, aliens and even Pudsey took to the street of Torphichen on Friday 15th November for a sponsored ‘Onesie Walk’, which the Rights Respecting Committee organised.  Along with the sale of Children in Need keyrings and wrist bands, our final total was a staggering £1250.77.  This is the highest amount of money raised for a single charity by the pupils. 

The Rights Respecting Committee also organised a ‘Pudsey Patch’ design competition, where pupils were given an eye patch to decorate and wear on the walk.  Primary 6 pupil Lana Morrison was selected by the Committee as the winning design, with Hanna Ward (P5) and Kirsty Taylor (P2) as runners up.

As well as raising money for Children in Need, the sponsored walk highlight that every child has the right to medical care and to participate fully in activities even if they are disabled.

Thank you to all parents, grandparents, extended family and friends who sponsored the pupils for this wonderful cause!  Also a wee thank you to all of those who turned out to watch us on our walk, especially our very own ‘Tony the Tiger!’  Who know who you are!!

Rights Respecting Assembly – World Food Day

The Focus Group for our Rights Respecting lead our assembly today.  They spoke about sustainable food systems as yesterday was World Food Day.  This helped to highlight everyone’s right to a good standard of living (UNCRC Article 27) and some countries who do not.

You can view their presentation by clicking on this link:

2013.10.16 Global Food Day – Assembly

If you would like to listen to the ‘We’ve All Got Rights’ song, please click on the link below:
