Road Trip U.S.A.

Nethuki: “Our new topic is U.S.A. and we’re very excited about learning about all of the states.”

Rosie: “We’ve designed a futuristic vehicle to travel around the USA. I’m excited to make the model of my Hover-Jeep.”

Kathryn: “We’ve been writing about what we will need to make our model car for going around the USA.”

Elliot: “Our plan is to draw a map of the USA and to learn about a different place each week. We’re going to place a picture of a car on the places that we’re leanring about.”

Oskar: “I liked designing my futuristic vehicle because I want to be an architect when I grow up. It was really fun for all of us to share our ideas and compare our views to make really great vehicles.”

Adrien: “I thought it was a great idea to design our futuristic vehicles so we could travel in them. My group has designed The Adventure Tourer. It has a bed, a TV, a sofa, a pop-up bed, a kitchen and a toilet.”

Charlotte: “I’m looking forward to seeing where we will be going on our road trip.”

Lucy: “I am looking forward to learning about all of the different cities.”

Here we are discussing our ideas and writing notes on how we will make our model vehicles.

We have created some very intersting designs.

Internet Safety – Streaming Apps

Advice regarding use of and streaming apps

Following on from a number of incidents involving children from across the UK, we would like to raise awareness of the above apps and share the following information with parents:

1.       The terms and conditions state all users must be at least 13 years of age.

2.       Users may be exposed to adult content

3.       Live streaming is not fully private even when privacy settings are set to on.

4.       Users are able to search for other users close to their location.


For further information about potential risks to children please visit the following pages: