West Lothian Council Parental Survey

Please click on the link below to complete a short survey for West Lothian Council regarding levels of parental involvement.

The survey contains only five statements to rate strongly disagree to strongly agree – there is also space to add comments if parents wish.

·         Communication is effective between my child’s school and home.

·         My child’s school provides me with the information I need to help my child learn at home.

·         I feel confident supporting my child’s learning at home.

·         I am aware of West Lothian’s complaints procedure.

·         I know how I can become involved in my school’s parent council.

Parental Survey

P2/3/4 – Transport Assembly and Trip

For any parents who missed our class assembly on out Transport topic, here are a few photos from our trip to the Riverside Museum. Please feel free to look through our assembly powerpoint as well. A link for the video will be on our school YouTube account soon. Please click on the link to download the assembly powerpoint …Transport Powerpoint assembly015








Many Thanks from Blyswood Care Shoebox Appeal

The Global Citizenship Group and I, would like to thank you all for your support in gathering Christmas presents for boys and girls, men and women, in Eastern Europe. There were 33 boxes sent from our school which is a huge amount for such a small school. It is fantastic to have such a caring community who show such kindness, especially at this time of year. Many thanks once again009




Children in Need 2015


Thank you to all pupils who either dressed as they hero or dressed down on Friday 13th November for Children in Need.

The Pupil Council organised a cake sale at break time along with a competition to guess Pudsey’s middle name.  The winner of the competition was Merryn in P2, who won a Pudsey teddy and keyring.  Her winning guess was ‘Cuddly’.

A total of £135.00 was raised for this worthwhile cause.  At Torphichen Primary School we strive to ensure that children’s rights are respected and through this fundraiser it highlighted Article 24: Every child has the right to the best possible health, Article 27: Every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical, social and mental needs and Article 36: Governments must protect children from all other forms of bad treatment.

Thank you again to all who supported the Pupil Council.