Primary 4

We have had a very busy and fun week in Primary four.  We have been working together to design our wind turbine models and cannot wait until our trip to the wind farm. Here are some of our reflections on the week:

“I liked creating a fact mindmap about Autumn weather” -Darryl

“I enjoyed painting the wind turbines that we made” -Michael

“I liked doing rainbow writing with my spelling words” -Alesha

“I liked playing dodgeball with Mrs Warden” -Jay

“I enjoyed creating a poster about wind turbines and learning the signs for more than and less than in Maths” -Emma

“I loved making our wind turbine models” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked when we drew insects and mini beasts in French” -Lara

“I enjoyed writing a silly story with all of my spelling words” -Aiden

“I liked singing a harvest song with Mrs Ewing” -Michael

“I liked gym with Mrs Warden” -Bethany

“I liked painting the wind turbines” -Ethan

“I enjoyed doing mini games in football” -Daniel

“I enjoyed writing a letter to Roald Dahl about our class novel George’s Marvellous Medicine”- Rachel

“I enjoyed playing the number bond games”- Carla

Short but busy week

We might only have been in school 3 days this week, but they have been very busy ones. We went to gym on Wednesday with Mrs Loosemore. It was different to what we do with Mrs Warden but we had lots of fun.

Wednesday night was the evening that the Rookie Rockstars team (Nick and Aine) came back for an evening performance to show our parents what we had been doing with them last week. It was great fun, and the challenge this time was for our parents! Sarah’s Mum, Emma’s Dad, Robbie’s Gran and Jessica’s Pappy were volunteered by their family and they all agreed to take on the challenge. That was before they discovered it was a rapping challenge! They all turned out to be brilliant rappers, with Emma’s Dad being the overall winner!

We all worked hard in groups for our STEM challenge this week, we had to make a car that could move using wind power! We were given the resources and a planning sheet and had to come up with our own designs. Then we built our prototype and tested it! Our first challenge was obviously to make it move, then we tested each of them to see which teams could go the furtherest, then last of all we raced them to see which design was the overall winner! The winning car was designed and built by Robbie G, Natasha, Kieran McG and Alexandra. Now we will look at our protypes and see if we can make any improvements to make an even better model!

On Thursday we were delighted to welcome Mr Tennant and baby Olivia into our class. She is so tiny and beautiful, it was lovely to see her. Mr Tennant looked very happy as he introduced her to us. In the afternoon we again worked with Mrs Robley and Izac9.

“I loved singing with Rookie Rockstars on Wednesday night, but my favourite part was my pappy rapping “I’m a little teapot!!” – Jessica

“I really liked working with Izac9. We were doing eliminator challenges this time, they were difficult but fun to do. We then made up our own elimation questions, and we are going to try doing each otheres during a Maths Smart Start next week” – Robbie G

“I loved singing with Mrs Ewing. We are practising a song called “Stormy Weather” for when Sean Batty comes to school” –  Natasha

“I enjoyed the wind powered challenge! It was good working in a team and I was pleased with the car we made! We worked well together and were the first team to have a completed car” – Katie

“We heard the story of Cronos. He was the chief Greek God but a prophecy  said that he would be overthown by his son, so when the babies were born he ate them!! Yuk! But eventually his wife hid baby Zeus and fed Cronos a stone. He ate that thinking it was a baby. Then he was sick and trew up all the babies he had eaten who were still alive!! Yuk! I am looking forward to haring more about the Greek Gods!” – Erin

“I liked going to the gym with Mrs Loosemore and playing different games, especially benchball” – Matthew

“It was great doing Maths – we completed the Treasure Hunt that we started last week. Robbie McC, Leah and Madyson were in my team” – Sarah

“It was great that Katie won the competion to design the CD cover for the CD we made with Rookie Rockstars”- Erin

P6/5 Short Week

Even though this week was short, we had an exciting week with the performance of the Rookie Rockstars Concert on Wednesday night. It was a great night and the pupils involved all seemed to really enjoy themselves!

Please read on to hear what we enjoyed this week:

  • Callum – we all really enjoyed performing at the concert.
  • Leah – we all enjoyed challenge time with the rapping parents/grandparents!
  • Jack – we found out at the concert  that Katie in P7 won the competition for the best CD cover design. This will be on the CDs with us singing. Well done!
  • Hannah – in music this week we were singing a song from the Lion King – Can You Feel the Love Tonight – it was fun.
  • Alfie – in French we were split into French Families and we are meant to live in a French speaking country such as Canada, France or Switzerland.
  • Brogan – we were making posters this week with our Achievements and Dreams.
  • Charley – we were working on our Wind Energy project again this week. We were finalising our designs for our models and looking at what resources have been brought in to help to start making these next week for the Levenseat competition. We have 3 great ideas and hopefully our models will turn out well!
  • Brogan – following on from Rookie Rockstar, our writing this week was a newspaper article about the concert.
  • Callum – for maths this week we were doing Izak 9 again with the cubes solving problems and Number Talks.

Some pictures from Izak 9!

A short but busy week. Back to normal next week!

Have a good weekend.


Primary 4

Although it has been a short week this week we have still been busy in Primary 4 and have had lots of fun.

Here are some of our weekly highlights:

“I loved the Rookie Rockstar concert and singing all the songs” -Alesha

“I loved doing Izak 9 with Mrs Robley” -Aiden

“I enjoyed playing the Simon Says game in French with Mrs Ewing” -Rachel

“I enjoyed Rookie Rockstars and I thought it was really funny when the parents had to do a rap” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed putting musical notes together to make a song” -Carla

“I enjoyed learning names for bugs in French” -Alex

“I liked philosophy when we got to sort the animals into what we thought were good and bad pets. My favourite animal was an Owl” -Lara

“I agree with Lara because I liked doing philosophy and the animal game” -Michael


Fun! Fun! Fun!

What a hectic week we have had, but every bit of it has been fun. We haven’t stopped all week!

Monday started it all when Rookie Rockstars entered our lives! We had no idea what to expect, but we enjoyed every minute of it from the brilliant songs, the head banging, the air guitar playing and the challenges! Every day just got better and better till we were recorded on Thursday . Now we are all waiting excitedly for the finished CD, which will be on sale at our grand performance concert  on Wednesday night!

Maths week has been fun too with lots of different challenges for us to complete. We all enjoyed Sumdog,and worked hard to complete the challenges! We started at position 196th but finished much much higher!! We also had a Maths Treasure hunt, and worked with Mrs Robley with the Izac9 cubes.

It has been a hectic week and we are all ready for a nice relaxing weekend…well Mrs Loosemore is!!!

“I am happy that every day this week I have improved my daily mile run. ” Keiran Mc

“Recording the CD with Rookie Rockstars was awesome” – Kuba

” Mrs Loosemore did us proud winning the Rookie Rockstars Fluffy Bunny challenge!” Natasha

“It’s been the funnest week in school so far” – Sarah

“I liked doing the Izzac9 challenges with Mrs Robley” – Robbie G

“Great fun with Rookie Rockstars, cant wait for the show” – Shayne

” I enjoyed the maths treasure hunt, it was challenging but fun!”-Erin

“I liked hearing Mr Tennant’s news about his new baby daughter Olivia” – Natasha

“I enjoyed the Sumdog challenges! I completed them all!”-L eon

Primary 6/5 – Rockin’ Week

This week has been a hectic week within P6/5. We had Rookie Rockstars in 4 mornings this week. It was also Maths Week so we have had a lot of extra maths this week.

Read below to see what we have been doing:

  • Jack – For maths week we were given a Target Number to try and make calculations for. We also completed a treasure hunt outside on Tuesday but had to finish off Friday as we have been so busy.
  • Callum – we had a maths lesson on Izak 9 with Mrs Robley and Mrs Rankin. This was using 9 cubes and we were set maths challenges using the cubes to help us solve the problems. We started using directions so North, South, East and West.
  • Zara – we had Rookie Rockstars in Mon-Thu mornings. Nick & Aine were here to teach us 5 songs for the concert next week. We also learned some moves to go along. They had question time and also challenge time during the sessions so there were a couple of teacher challenges which were really funny. We recorded our songs and they will be on a CD to buy – all very exciting!
  • Brodie – to end the Rookie Rockstar sessions we got to do the Pop/Rock Melody which was great fun. We get to do this again at the concert on Wed night!
  • Callum – the school had the open evening last night which a few people came along to see our classroom. Sumdog was set up on the laptop to play and also parents could see the blog on the IPad as well.
  • Brogan – our special person this week is Eve! Well done Eve.
  • All – during French we were doing birthdays and learning to say which month and date ours are in.
  • All – in PE we continued with Basketball and we also did a Joe Wicks session with the rest of the school on Tuesday. It was quite tiring.

Have a look at a few pictures from our sessions with Rookie Rockstars!

Have a nice long weekend!


Primary 4 Reflections

We have had a very fun and exciting week in Primary 4.  Here are some of our reflections on this week:

“I enjoyed challenges on sumdog for Maths week” -Michael

“I also really liked playing on sumdog” -Jemma

“I enjoyed challenge time in Rookie Rockstars and singing the Pop Rock Melody” -Carla

“I liked going to the open evening and getting to share what we are learning” -Emma

“I liked designing the CD cover for Rookie Rockstars” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed Roots of Empathy and the story about feelings” -Ethan

“I liked learning the different body parts and colours for the Hungry Caterpillar in French” -Rachel

“I liked the number treasure hunt in our classroom” -Alesha

“I liked the rap challenge in Rookie Rockstars” -Bethany

“I enjoyed designing my own front cover for our class novel, George’s Marvellous Medicine” -Alex

“I liked doing the Jo Wicks school workout in the hall” -Jay

“I enjoyed going up for a challenge in Rookie Rockstars” -Darryl


Back to School with Sean Batty

Some important information will be making its way home to you about our special day coming up on Thursday 5th October.

STV weatherman, Sean Batty, will be joining us in school between 9.00-10.00am to help us raise money for the STV Children’s Appeal.

A sponsor form has been given to each child as well as a consent form.  This MUST be returned to school by the date shown.  A copy of the information letter is also attached here. Back to School with Sean Batty

We are all very much looking forward to the event and thank you in advance for your support.  More information about the coffee morning will be sent in due course – but please try and keep that morning free so you can come along and join in the fun!

Mrs Sibbald

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