Primary 2/1 Reflections

Today the boys and girls in Primary 2/1 reflected on what they have enjoyed about school this term so far. Miss Eunson is very proud of all the boys and girls in primary one for how well they have settled into school and is also very proud of their primary two class mates who have been very supportive and welcoming.

Here are their reflections so far:

“I like when our buddys come in our class to play on Tuesdays” –Sophie

“I liked making lego characters for our class charter” –Kacie

“I enjoyed making the ‘s’ sound with playdough” –Adriana

“I liked painting the m sound” –Aleksander

Natalia liked the story Harry and the Dinosaurs go to school.

“I liked playing outside at break and lunchtime” –James

“I enjoyed making caterpillars for the c sound” –Maci

“I liked playing at the sand tray with Hannah” –Ruby

“I liked playing the caterpillar game on the computer with Alfie” –Skye P

“I liked playing outside with Skye” –Emeli

“I liked painting the ‘s’ sound” –Nicholas

Miss Eunson would like to remind parents and carers that P.E for Primary 2/1 is on Thursdays and Fridays.

Please find attached some photographs of what the boys and girls have been doing this term so far.

Hope you all have a fabulous September weekend!

Kind regards,

Miss Eunson

STV Children’s Appeal 2018 – The Big Scottish Breakfast!

Please find attached the letter that will be making its way to you today.  We are planning a great morning for this very worthwhile appeal!  Please note – any money for the VIP Dining Experience should be sent to Mrs Sibbald in a named and sealed envelope as P7/6 are organising the tickets for this part of the event.  All sponsor money should be given to class teacher in the first instance.  Many thanks for your support.

STV Letter – final

Getting to know you!

It has been a busy first week, we’ve been doing lots of activities to get to know one another better! We’ve tried lots of different things including Mental Maths, Number talks, Multiplication Bingo, Multiplication problems (Solve and Shade), shared and wrote about our summer memories, and tried our hand at being detectives with descriptive writing! We have had a busy time and the week has flown in, with us all being pretty tired by the time Friday has arrived!! It’s been fun getting to know each other, and I know we’ll have a great year together with lots of hard work, fun, laughter and adventure waiting for us on our learning journey together!

Our timetables are not completely certain yet, but at the moment our working one for PE is for a Monday Morning first thing with me, then on a Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Warden. I would appreciate your help in making sure the children have their PE kits for these days. Thank you! More details will follow as we get ourselves more settled in. Here are the thoughts from the children on their first week!

Alesha – I liked doing Mental Maths.

Daryl – I liked doing number talks with Mrs Robley and playing 11 and out with Mrs Loosemore.

Emma – I liked designing and making my name tag for my new locker.

Aiden – I enjoyed using descriptive writing to write about someone, then the others having to work out who I                was writing about!

Rachel – I enjoyed using my tables skills to solve the problems on the solve and shade sheet.

Jack – I enjoyed playing multiplication Bingo.

Carla – It was good to hear about everyone’s Summer Holidays.

Michael – I liked meeting up with all my friends in class again, and working with Mrs Loosemore.

Lara – I liked drawing my favourite part of the holidays, then writing about it!

Ethan – It was fun when we played Heads down, Thumbs up at the end of a day.

Bethany – I enjoyed hearing about what everyone did on their holidays

Jemma – I liked playing Bingo, it helps me with my tables.

Daniel – My favourite part of the week was having gym with Mrs Warden

Jay – I liked playing Hoopla and adding up my score!

Jaymee-Leigh – I liked doing Music with Mrs Ewing.

P4 Final Week

As this is our last week in Primary Four we decided to share our favourite memories of this year. Miss Eunson would like to thank all the children for a brilliant year and great fun and all their hard work. I am so proud of you all and wish you the very best for your transition into primary five.

“My favourite memory was when we got to taste Spanish food” -Jay

“I loved when we toasted marshmallows at camp and learning how to read novels instead of smaller books” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed at camp when we seen an Elf door and when we were playing the Spanish game” -Ethan

“My favourite memory this year was when we made things for the Christmas enterprise” -Michael

“My favourite memory was falling out the kayak twice at camp” -Jemma

“I really enjoyed doing the space topic in Science” -Bethany

“I enjoyed when we did our Roman play” -Emma

“I liked when the Planetarium came in to school for part of our Space topic” -Carla

“I liked going to the Science centre” -Alesha

“I liked going to the Science centre and going in the tilted house” -Jack

“I enjoyed at camp when we went canoeing” -Aiden

“I enjoyed doing the summer show and our under the sea dance”- Rachel

“I enjoyed Roots of Empathy and when me and Lara went to the high school to see baby Archie at the end of the year” -Alex

“I loved going to the wind farm” -Lara

“I liked giving Miss Eunson a present” -Darryl


P6/5 Final Week….

Well our final week in P6/5 has been and gone and we are all set for the holidays and moving on to P6 & P7. We have had a great week and the weather has been fabulous as well, if not a bit too hot!!

Read on to hear what we have been up to.

  • Alfie – it was our last week!
  • Danielle – we had the P7 leavers assembly on Thursday morning and there were tears by the gallon! Such a nice assembly and we wish them good luck for Whitburn Academy and St Kentigerns!
  • Callum – we had a surprise assembly for Mrs Gibson leaving on Thursday afternoon. We all performed our favourite songs for her. We think she was surprised!
  • Keris – we had a class party on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Rankin and had food, drinks and a cake!
  • Hannah – the whole school went to Glasgow Science Centre on Tuesday and it was really great! We could have stayed longer to look at all the exhibitions. We all tool part in a Car-azy Construction where we build cars.
  • Brogan – we played some games outside in the sunshine.
  • Eve – all of the classes are being moved around and things are starting to take shape for August.
  • Alfie – we watched a bit of Angry Birds and Garfield this week.
  • Callum – we had our last PE session with Mr Tennant. We joined up with the P7s since it was his last week.
  • Keris – it’s the end of term and Mrs Rankin’s last day!!!
  • Mrs Rankin – I would just like to say a big thank you to the pupils and the parents for your support throughout the year. I have enjoyed teaching P6/5 and will be sad to leave them and Stoneyburn. I will keep up-to-date with how everyone is doing via Mrs Sibbald and the other staff members! I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer! Get outdoors and explore!

Here are a few pictures from this week.

Have a great 7 week holiday and everyone will be back on Tuesday 21st August as the new P6/7!!

P6/5 signing off……

P6/5 Weekly News

Well, our second last week of P6/5 is over! We have had lots going on with assemblies and the P7 show rehearsals to perfect our performances.

Read on to hear what we have been doing this week.

  • Brogan – it was the P7 Summer Show this week and we all really enjoyed taking part with the P7s. What a great show!! Well done to Mrs Loosemore and the P7s!
  • Alfie – we had our Celebration Assembly on Wednesday morning and the new P7 Leadership team led this for the first time.
  • Eve – the new P1s were visiting today for their first school assembly where they were presented with their ties for next year. It was nice to see them!
  • Callum – the football team were due to play St John’s on Tuesday but they couldn’t make it along so we played each class for a little while instead.
  • Cory – we had music with Mrs Malloch on Tuesday. As some of the class were playing football a few of us had 10 mins just with Mrs Malloch and she had us singing and doing actions to a song. We all enjoyed it.
  • Callum – we continued on with measure in maths. We were looking at perimeter and area this week.
  • Danielle – for PE on Tuesday, we played rounders with P4 outside. It was a great game and we had fun.
  • Brogan – we finally got to watch Wonder this week and see how it compared to the novel. We’re going to write about which one  we preferred and why we think that.
  • All – we met Mrs Brown our new  head teacher from August. She joined us with Mrs Gibson for a quick game of Silent Ball.

Here are some pictures of the 2018/2019 P7 Leadership team. Hannah’s picture didn’t come out! Mrs Rankin is disappointed but she knows the boys love getting their pictures taken!


Have a great weekend and we look forward to our last week in P6/5!


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