Category Archives: Primary 4

Primary 4

Although it has been a short week this week we have still been busy in Primary 4 and have had lots of fun.

Here are some of our weekly highlights:

“I loved the Rookie Rockstar concert and singing all the songs” -Alesha

“I loved doing Izak 9 with Mrs Robley” -Aiden

“I enjoyed playing the Simon Says game in French with Mrs Ewing” -Rachel

“I enjoyed Rookie Rockstars and I thought it was really funny when the parents had to do a rap” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed putting musical notes together to make a song” -Carla

“I enjoyed learning names for bugs in French” -Alex

“I liked philosophy when we got to sort the animals into what we thought were good and bad pets. My favourite animal was an Owl” -Lara

“I agree with Lara because I liked doing philosophy and the animal game” -Michael


Primary 4 Reflections

We have had a very fun and exciting week in Primary 4.  Here are some of our reflections on this week:

“I enjoyed challenges on sumdog for Maths week” -Michael

“I also really liked playing on sumdog” -Jemma

“I enjoyed challenge time in Rookie Rockstars and singing the Pop Rock Melody” -Carla

“I liked going to the open evening and getting to share what we are learning” -Emma

“I liked designing the CD cover for Rookie Rockstars” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed Roots of Empathy and the story about feelings” -Ethan

“I liked learning the different body parts and colours for the Hungry Caterpillar in French” -Rachel

“I liked the number treasure hunt in our classroom” -Alesha

“I liked the rap challenge in Rookie Rockstars” -Bethany

“I enjoyed designing my own front cover for our class novel, George’s Marvellous Medicine” -Alex

“I liked doing the Jo Wicks school workout in the hall” -Jay

“I enjoyed going up for a challenge in Rookie Rockstars” -Darryl


Back to School with Sean Batty

Some important information will be making its way home to you about our special day coming up on Thursday 5th October.

STV weatherman, Sean Batty, will be joining us in school between 9.00-10.00am to help us raise money for the STV Children’s Appeal.

A sponsor form has been given to each child as well as a consent form.  This MUST be returned to school by the date shown.  A copy of the information letter is also attached here. Back to School with Sean Batty

We are all very much looking forward to the event and thank you in advance for your support.  More information about the coffee morning will be sent in due course – but please try and keep that morning free so you can come along and join in the fun!

Mrs Sibbald

A busy week in Primary 4

We have had a busy week in Primary 4. This week we met baby Archie at Roots of Empathy and we were all very excited and can’t wait to see him again already!

We have been working really hard on our Energy topic and have thought of ideas for creating our own wind turbine models which we are going start to make next week. If anybody would like to bring in  or donate any used plastic bottles, cardboard, plastic cups or pringle tubs this would be great and would really help us!

Here are some of our reflections on the week:

“I enjoyed working together in a group to design a wind turbine model and doing bench ball with Mrs Warden” – Carla

“I enjoyed music with Mrs Ewing and talking about the proper names for loud and quiet music which are piano (p) and forte (f)” -Daniel

“I loved doing Go Noodle at the end of the day with Primary 3/2” -Rachel

“I enjoyed number talks where we used dot patterns and practising dribbling in Football with Miss Eunson” -Emma

“I liked watching Nina and the Neurons to find out about wind mills and wind turbines” -Jemma

“I enjoyed presenting my wind turbine model design to the class and getting two stars and a wish from our class” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked finding out about what renewable energy is” -Alex

“I enjoyed doing different spelling strategies and our spelling test” -Alesha

“I had fun at Roots of Empathy because a special baby Archie came to see us” -Darryl

“I thought the whiteboard number bonds game was good fun” -Michael

“I liked the number bonds smart board game we played” -Aiden

“I loved when Archie when Archie was trying to move in Roots of Empathy” -Lara

Here are some photographs of us at Roots of Empathy meeting baby Archie and of our groups presenting our wind power model designs to our class.



Weekly Update From Primary 4

We have had a very busy week in Primary 4.

On Monday, we had a visit from the Scottish SPCA and we really enjoyed our workshop on Food and Farming and learning about how to protect and look after animals in Scotland.

We had our first Roots of Empathy session with Mrs Allardyce on Wednesday and we can’t wait until baby Archie comes in next week! 🙂

Here are some of the other things we enjoyed and our class reflections on the week:

“I really enjoyed making our emoji themed class charter” -Carla

“This week we started our Roots of Empathy with Primary 3s as well and it was really fun” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed designing our class canvas and getting to use paint to put our handprints on it” -Alex

“I enjoyed guessing how much baby Archie weighed and guessing how big he will be next week” -Michael

“I liked doing Number Talks with my new class” -Daniel

“I loved designing my own emoji” -Aiden

“I enjoyed French and Music with Mrs Ewing” -Emma

“I loved doing P.E with Mrs Warden and Miss Eunson” -Rachel

“I liked Emma’s magic show” -Jack

Primary 4

We have really enjoyed our first week back at school after the summer holidays.  We have settled in really well and are working well as a team.  Here are some of our reflections on the week and what we have enjoyed:

“I have enjoyed seeing all of my friends again” -Alesha

“I am really happy we are back from the summer holidays, I missed my class and my classroom” -Jemma

“I liked writing on Thursday about my favourite memories in the summer” -Darryl

“I liked thinking about the class charter and getting to vote on what we wanted it to be” -Carla

“I liked going to gym with Miss Eunson because we got to play games”-Jay

“I enjoyed gym with Mrs Warden and drawing our monsters in class” -Emma