Category Archives: Primary 4

STV Children’s Appeal 2018 – The Big Scottish Breakfast!

Please find attached the letter that will be making its way to you today.  We are planning a great morning for this very worthwhile appeal!  Please note – any money for the VIP Dining Experience should be sent to Mrs Sibbald in a named and sealed envelope as P7/6 are organising the tickets for this part of the event.  All sponsor money should be given to class teacher in the first instance.  Many thanks for your support.

STV Letter – final

P4 Final Week

As this is our last week in Primary Four we decided to share our favourite memories of this year. Miss Eunson would like to thank all the children for a brilliant year and great fun and all their hard work. I am so proud of you all and wish you the very best for your transition into primary five.

“My favourite memory was when we got to taste Spanish food” -Jay

“I loved when we toasted marshmallows at camp and learning how to read novels instead of smaller books” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed at camp when we seen an Elf door and when we were playing the Spanish game” -Ethan

“My favourite memory this year was when we made things for the Christmas enterprise” -Michael

“My favourite memory was falling out the kayak twice at camp” -Jemma

“I really enjoyed doing the space topic in Science” -Bethany

“I enjoyed when we did our Roman play” -Emma

“I liked when the Planetarium came in to school for part of our Space topic” -Carla

“I liked going to the Science centre” -Alesha

“I liked going to the Science centre and going in the tilted house” -Jack

“I enjoyed at camp when we went canoeing” -Aiden

“I enjoyed doing the summer show and our under the sea dance”- Rachel

“I enjoyed Roots of Empathy and when me and Lara went to the high school to see baby Archie at the end of the year” -Alex

“I loved going to the wind farm” -Lara

“I liked giving Miss Eunson a present” -Darryl


P4 Weekly News

We have had a very busy week this week in primary four and cannot believe that in one weeks time it is the summer holidays and our year in primary four is complete! We still have lots to do next week and are looking forward to our Spanish food tasting party.

Miss Eunson would like to say a big well done to all the boys and girls in primary four who tried so hard with their Under the Sea dance, as well as a huge well done to the fabulous primary sevens and Mrs Loosemore for putting on an excellent show ‘Four Friends, Four Wishes’.

Here are our reflections on this week:

“I liked taking part in the summer show” -Jay

“I enjoyed my last day of primary four because I am going on holiday this week” -Daniel

“I enjoyed playing rounders outside” -Alex

“I liked seeing the new P1s at assembly” -Alesha

“I enjoyed playing football outside with Mrs Warden” -Jack

“I enjoyed making our headbands and designing our characters from the Little Mermaid for the show” -Aiden

“I liked making a den for our animals outside and making a big tree house” -Michael

“I enjoyed meeting Mrs Brown in person” -Darryl

“I liked being back at school after my holiday and seeing my friends” -Carla

“I enjoyed making a Spanish menu” -Jemma

“I enjoyed watching the Little Mermaid last night at the summer show” -Emma

“I enjoyed music with Mrs Malloch” -Rachel

Here are some photographs of our week:

Miss Eunson has one request, if possible, if the boys and girls could all bring in a bag on Monday this would be great as I am going to send home their old jotters and work.

Primary Four Weekly News

Here are our reflections from this week:

I liked writing this week when we got to choose to make a poster, leaflet or trip advisor review to advertise the country Spain –Darryl

I enjoyed practising for the summer show –Jemma

I enjoyed finding out who our new teacher was for next year –Michael

I enjoyed performing our song for the celebration assembly to P6/5 and practising to an audience –Jay

I have enjoyed being back from holiday and seeing my friends again –Alesha

I liked measuring in Maths and rounding to the nearest centimetre –Emma

I enjoyed watching Authors live –Jaymee-Leigh

I liked making a fortune teller with my new teacher –Rachel

I liked when we got to pretend we were a time machine and go back to a time we wanted to in the past -Lara

P4 Reflections On A Fantastic Health Week

Primary four have thoroughly enjoyed participating in the activities planned for health week. Here are our reflections on the week and some photographs of our highlights.


Star Harmonies Musical Theatre Group

I enjoyed when we learned the song and dance with the Musical Theatre group –Rachel


Sports Day

I enjoyed doing the races at Sports Day –Jemma

I loved watching the teacher race –Jaymee-Leigh

I liked the potted sports activities in the morning –Darryl


Come Dine With Me

I enjoyed making Eton Mess at Come Dine With Me and eating it –Aiden

I liked getting to eat the yoghurt at Come Dine With Me –Jack


Roots of Empathy

I really enjoyed our last Roots of Empathy and getting a certificate –Bethany

Here is a photograph of everyone with their certificate for participating.


Lets Talk About It Show

I liked how it taught us you need a friend to help if you are in trouble or upset –Alex



Famous Gymnast Visit

I liked meeting Amy and getting to do gymnastics –Alex

I liked managing to do a front flip in Gymnastics- Daniel

Wheels Day

I enjoyed going outside on my wiggle scooter on Wheels Day –Jay

I liked bringing my bike to school to do wheels day –Michael

I liked racing on our bikes at wheels day –Emma


I liked playing rounders outside this morning –Ethan

I also liked playing rounders -Lara


P4 Weekly News

We have had a busy week this week in primary four and have had lots going on that we are excited to share.

Here are our reflections and comments on what we have been doing:

I loved doing handwriting -Lara

I enjoyed rounding to the nearest ten in Numeracy -Michael

I enjoyed writing this week when we wrote our own Trip Advisor on somewhere we have been -Darryl

I liked doing rounding in Numeracy and rounding up to tens, hundreds and thousands -Aiden

I liked doing rounders in P.E with Mrs Howard -Jack

I enjoyed working with P1 and doing the caterpillar life cycle -Ethan

I liked seeing other peoples strategies in Number Talks -Alex

I loved helping come up with steps for our Dance for the summer show -Rachel

I enjoyed seeing baby Archie for the last time in Roots of Empathy -Carla

I enjoyed practising the eight times table in Numeracy -Daniel

I liked getting ready for our Pupil Voice Group assembly -Jay and Jaymee-Leigh

I liked playing the eight times table bingo game -Emma

I enjoyed getting to practice handwriting skills at smart start -Jaymee-Leigh

I liked doing a Trip Advisor review on when I went to the soft play -Bethany