Category Archives: Primary 1

Presentation and Fitness Skills with Jammin’ Andy

Yesterday Primary 6/7 (and Greenrigg Primary 7s) worked with Andy McKechnie all day on speaking in public.  He taught the pupils some drills on how to help project their voice, speak at a steady pace and add expression to their voices.

Pupils used these skills to teach the other classes a dance/fitness routine (with the help of Andy).  There was then a showcase where the classes showed each other what they had learned.

Pupils from all classes enjoyed working with Andy.  Primary 6/7 pupils gained confidence through the event and the skills will help them when they come to present their individual c

lass talks and with the Summer Show.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday:

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P1/2 Highlights from Term 3

Primary 1/2 have had a very busy term with many highlights and lots of learning taking place.  We were also lucky enough to have two new adults in our class every day to help us with our learning; Mrs Lind and Miss Eunson.  They have been great fun and we have loved having them in.  Mrs Lind will return after the Easter break but Miss Eunson will be heading back to University.  We hope we can convince her to come back a few times next term though!

Here are some more of our highlights:

Kaseylee – ‘I liked doing symmetry.’

Billie – ‘I liked doing symmetry.’

Carla – ‘I liked learning how to count forwards and backwards in tens using the hundred square to help me.’

Emma – ‘I liked being a bridesmaid in the wedding.’

Daniel M – ‘I liked doing Road to Rio and the Count to 100 song.’

Jemma – ‘I liked doing the Zero the Hero song.’

Daniel B – ‘I liked doing the wedding because we got cake.’

Michael – ‘I have liked having Mrs Lind and Miss Eunson in and I’ve liked learning French with Miss Eunson.’

Alesha – ‘I hope Miss Eunson comes back and I loved being a flower girl in the wedding.’

Jaymee-Leigh – ‘I enjoyed going up to the Church to sing and play the ukulele at the Easter Service.’

Darryl – ‘I enjoyed doing Run to Rio.’

Jack – ‘I have enjoyed all the counting songs we have been doing.’

Lucas – ‘I have liked having Miss Eunson and doing my egg decorating in Nurture with Mrs Lind.’

Amelia – ‘I like working with Mrs Lind.’

Jordan – ‘I enjoyed Run to Rio and learning about directions.’

Shay – ‘I like doing my Maths and throwing numbers to Mrs Lind.’

Bethany – ‘I like doing the different rolls in gym.’

Lara – ‘I liked learning how to go ‘under’ and ‘on’ in gymnastics.’

Alex – ‘I liked getting ready for Easter by listening to the Easter Story and making Easter cards.’


Wedding of the Year

Wednesday 10th February was an exciting and memorable day in P1/2.  It was the day we celebrated the marriage of Carla and Michael!

Over the past few weeks, P1/2 have been busy learning about Christian Celebrations, in particular, church weddings.  They have been learning about the inside of a church and the customs and traditions surrounding a Christian wedding.  To end this mini-topic, the class decided to plan and hold a ‘mock wedding’ to showcase everything they had learned.  Lots of planning and preparation took place, just like a real wedding!

The wedding party had to be picked, outfits organised, order of ceremony written, and of course, a reception to end all receptions!

The children worked extremely hard with Miss Eunson and Mrs Lind to design and make the different props they would need such as bouquets, button holes and wedding rings.

The bride-to-be enjoyed her walk around the school, visiting different members of staff and classes before meeting her ‘dad’, ready to be walked down the aisle.


The ceremony took place ‘inside a church’ and the guests joined in well with their singing and encouragement.


Afterwards, photographs were taken ‘outside the church’ with all the wedding party and guests.  It was then time for the ‘first dance’ and a bit of a party.

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The cutting of the cake was also a highlight of the afternoon and the wedding party and guests enjoyed some beautiful wedding cake and drinks (of water!)


Time for some more dancing and then the final song and dance of the wedding, ‘Loch Lomond’.

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The children (and all the adults involved!) had a fantastic time and the whole afternoon certainly showcased their learning to a high standard.

Well done to everyone involved.  And congratulations to the happy couple! 🙂


A New Year in P1/2

Primary 1/2 have jumped straight back into their learning after the Christmas holidays.  We are beginning a brand new project all about ‘Pirates’ and have listened to a story called ‘The Pirates Next Door’.  We will be using this story to help us learn all about Pirates over the next term.

One of the characters from the story is called Jim Lad.  On Thursday, we all wrote a letter to Jim Lad to tell him about ourselves.

“I liked writing about what I like to play. I was really good at reading my story to the rest of the class.” – Michael

“I liked drawing my pictures in the plan for my letter.” – Aiden

“I enjoyed doing my plan and writing my letter.” – Darryl

We also learned about two different types of pirate ship.  We were able to label the different parts of the ship.  We are excited because we are going to be making our own model pirate ships.

In Maths, we have been learning about ‘Time’.  Primary 1 have been learning ‘o’clock’ times and Primary 2 have been learning how to tell o’clock and half past times on an analogue and digital clock.

“I have enjoyed learning about half past” – Jack

“I enjoyed learning about digital clocks” – Michael

“I liked playing the games about Time because they help us learn more about Time” – Alesha

“I liked playing the Class Clock game.  Mrs Sibbald was trying to beat us but she didn’t and we won all the points” – Alex

“I liked learning about o’clock times” – Jordan

“I liked learning about o’clock and half past times on an analogue and digital clock” – Aiden


We are also very lucky this term to have two new people working in our class.  Mrs Lind and Miss Eunson have been helping us with our learning.

Maths Smart Starts in P1/2

Primary 1 and 2 have been enjoying Numeracy focused Smart Starts on Monday Wednesday and Friday mornings over the past couple of weeks.  They come straight in to class after changing their shoes and choose an activity they would like to do.  We have had some visitors in from the West Lothian Numeracy Development Team to see what we are up to and they have been joining in too!


We will be doing Numeracy focused Smart Starts three days a week in the new year- and these will run in to our Maths lessons.  Towards the end of January, we will be inviting parents in too to join in with our smart starts so they can see what we are doing….look out for your invitation!

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