Category Archives: Primary 3

STV Children’s Appeal 2018 – The Big Scottish Breakfast!

Please find attached the letter that will be making its way to you today.  We are planning a great morning for this very worthwhile appeal!  Please note – any money for the VIP Dining Experience should be sent to Mrs Sibbald in a named and sealed envelope as P7/6 are organising the tickets for this part of the event.  All sponsor money should be given to class teacher in the first instance.  Many thanks for your support.

STV Letter – final

Getting to know you!

It has been a busy first week, we’ve been doing lots of activities to get to know one another better! We’ve tried lots of different things including Mental Maths, Number talks, Multiplication Bingo, Multiplication problems (Solve and Shade), shared and wrote about our summer memories, and tried our hand at being detectives with descriptive writing! We have had a busy time and the week has flown in, with us all being pretty tired by the time Friday has arrived!! It’s been fun getting to know each other, and I know we’ll have a great year together with lots of hard work, fun, laughter and adventure waiting for us on our learning journey together!

Our timetables are not completely certain yet, but at the moment our working one for PE is for a Monday Morning first thing with me, then on a Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Warden. I would appreciate your help in making sure the children have their PE kits for these days. Thank you! More details will follow as we get ourselves more settled in. Here are the thoughts from the children on their first week!

Alesha – I liked doing Mental Maths.

Daryl – I liked doing number talks with Mrs Robley and playing 11 and out with Mrs Loosemore.

Emma – I liked designing and making my name tag for my new locker.

Aiden – I enjoyed using descriptive writing to write about someone, then the others having to work out who I                was writing about!

Rachel – I enjoyed using my tables skills to solve the problems on the solve and shade sheet.

Jack – I enjoyed playing multiplication Bingo.

Carla – It was good to hear about everyone’s Summer Holidays.

Michael – I liked meeting up with all my friends in class again, and working with Mrs Loosemore.

Lara – I liked drawing my favourite part of the holidays, then writing about it!

Ethan – It was fun when we played Heads down, Thumbs up at the end of a day.

Bethany – I enjoyed hearing about what everyone did on their holidays

Jemma – I liked playing Bingo, it helps me with my tables.

Daniel – My favourite part of the week was having gym with Mrs Warden

Jay – I liked playing Hoopla and adding up my score!

Jaymee-Leigh – I liked doing Music with Mrs Ewing.

Writing in Primary 3/2

This was us talking for writing, in our groups.  We discussed what our story was going to be then we planned it then we write it as a comic strip.

This is our magical creature that we had to take on adventure.

In our group we had to make a bed for Goldilocks then write the instructions.

It was tricky trying to work out the Instructions for our writing -Lucas

I liked making the beds- Corey

I enjoyed the two stars and a wish that the rest of the class gave us- Riley

P3/2 Reflecting On Our Week


“At gym we did jumping.  We learned the barrel jump, the scissor jump and the flop.”  (Adam)

“My favourite jump was the barrel jump.”  (Layla B)

“I was really good at all the jumps, but my favourite one was the flop.” (Calum)


Pirates Topic

“We’ve been learning songs all about Pirtaes.”  (Paige)

“We’ve also been making pictures to turn ourselves into Pirates!” (Lexi)

This week we’ve been making Fact Files about us and Pirtaes.”  (Lewis)

“We’ve been clapping the syllables in lots of different words to do with Pirates.” (Jordan)


Art – Flowers

“We’ve been drawing flowers.  We had a flower in front of us and we had to draw what we could see.”  (Lillie)

“We hadn’t just to make it a circle shape, we had to really focus on all the details.”  (Kacie)

“I did a small circle, then some bigger petals then I added some lines to it so it looked like a flower.”  (Jada)