All posts by Mrs Robley

P5-7 House Group Hockey Challenge

On Wednesday afternoon, primary 5, 6 and 7 got together in the hall to take part in a Hockey House Challenge.  P6/7 created the teams and organised the positions each team member should play in.  The afternoon was a great success and a brilliant way to end our blocks of work on Hockey.

Wallace came first, Bruce and MacGregor were joint second and Stewart were fourth – all houses earned valuable house points to add to their totals so far.

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Drama – Freeze Frames

This week in our Drama, we have been learning how to create ‘Freeze Frames’ using facial expression and actions to communicate an event.  We had to work in groups to create a ‘Freeze Frame’ of an important event in the life of Mary Queen of Scots.  Here are some of our ideas:

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P5 Boat Challenge

Mary Queen of Scots traveled back to Scotland on a boat.  We carried out another Critical Skills Challenge to put our technology skills to the test.  We had to design a boat which met the following criteria:

  • made from junk materials;
  • between 20 & 30 cm long;
  • able to float upright in the water without being held by anyone or anything, even when there are waves;
  • able to hold 5 x 5g weights to represent Mary and her four friends while sailing.

We all tackled this well and none of our boats sank!!  Here are our finished models:


By Natasha, Roobie B & Shayne




By Katie, Madyson & Leon




By Brad, Jessica & Brooke



By Matthew, Sarah & Erin



By Gabriela, Leah, Kuba & Kieran

Atlas Work

As part of topic on Mary Queen of Scots, we have been learning how to use atlases to locate places Mary visited.  We can now look up the Index to find the page number and grid reference and can use this to locate the town/city.  Have a look at some of us in action:

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P5 have been exploring length!

Over the past week, we have been learning about length.  Some of us have been brushing up on our ruler skills by drawing accurate shapes of given sizes.  Others have been converting between different units of length e.g. cm and m, cm and mm, m and km, etc.  Here are some web links if you want to continue your learning at home, or if you just want to show off what you can do!

Travelling by Tuba Workshop – P5

On Friday, we took part in a music workshop where we learned about music from Mexico – Salsa.  We all learned different rhythms and were split into groups to play these on different musical instruments along to some Salsa music.  We also learned to sing a Salsa song.  After break, we had the chance to showcase our talents to the rest of the school by performing our instrumental piece as well as our song.  We all worked really hard to learn our parts in a short space of time and enjoyed the excitement of our live performance:






Solid Shape Volume – P5

As part of our maths work this week, we have been finding the volume of solid shapes in cubic cm.  We started off building shapes using cm cubes, for our partners to find the volume of by counting the individual cubes used.  We then moved onto pictorial representation of 3D shapes, where we still had to count the cubes, but this was trickier as sometimes some of the cubes were hidden behind or under other ones and we couldn’t always see them, but had to remember they were there!

