All posts by Mrs Robley

P5 Hockey Training

Yesterday we had a visit from Livi West Juniors Hockey, who taught us some skills and helped us work as a team when playing a game of Hockey.

If anyone is interested in joining this Hockey club, they train on Wednesday nights at Inveralmond Community High School, 6:30-8:00pm.  Each session costs £4 and children may be selected to compete in games as well.  Please email: for more information.

P5 Energy Debate

We have been learning about different types of energy: renewable and fossil fuels.  We investigated the positives and negatives of each type and asked if we could hold a class debate to share what we had learned.

The motion used was: This house believes that renewable energy sources are the way of the future.

We split into the proposition and the opposition and Leah was our chairperson:

P5 Growers

Over the past few weeks we have been monitoring the growth of some seeds that we planted.  Some of us planted cress seeds, some planted spinach seeds and some planted peas.  Our cress and peas were the most successful but we did get some of the spinach to grow as well.  Have a look at our efforts below:

P5 Problem Solving

Today in maths we worked with the new IZAK 9 cubes again.  We had to solve problems given to us by Mrs Robley and explain different ways of getting the answer using different strategies.  Afterwards we created our own problem for another group to solve.  Have a look at the problems created for us by other groups and how we solved them:





Reflecting on our Learning:

“What I enjoyed most was that it was challenging but fun because we worked hard and we worked together and we got there in the end.  It was so so so much fun!”  (Erin)

“The thing I found most challenging was solving the problem that another group gave us.” (Gabriela)

“I made sure that everyone was involved by letting everyone say their ideas.” (Kieran M)

P5 Reflecting on Reading

Literacy Circles is a reading activity, it helps you understand the story more.  You have six different activities.  These are Super Summariser, Illustrious Illustrator, Character Cop, Feelings Finder and Quizzing Questioner.  You have to feedback to the rest of your group and pick a Literacy Leader to guide the discussion.  (Written by Sarah, Matthew & Katie)

I am most proud of being able to talk to Kieron and ask him the questions I had made up myself.  (Leon)

For my next step I would try to make my descriptions longer by explaining why.  (Jessica)

The thing that puzzled me the most was when I had to think of an ‘application’ question.  I used the question starter flowers on our class wall to help.  (Robbie G)

The thing that helped me when something got tricky was when other people in my group helped me to think of WOW words to use for my ‘Feelings Finder’ task.  (Sarah)

I helped someone to learn by helping them figure out a question for the ‘Quizzing Questioner’ task.  (Matthew)

The thing that helped me the most was being able to hear other people’s thoughts about their task because then when I come to do that one I will have better ideas.  (Katie)

P5 Tiling

Recently in maths we have been working on ’tiling’.  We have been exploring shapes that do and do not tile.  Some people drew round templates of shapes and some tried to draw them using rulers on squared paper.

The hardest part was having to think about turning the shapes and matching them up.  (Erin)

Making shapes to use as templates was easier than drawing them.  (Shayne)

The three most important things I have learned about tiling are:

1 – do not leave spaces

2 – make sure the shapes don’t overlap

3 – use a ruler to make sure the lines are straight  (Gabriela)

Next time, if I could do it differently, I would think about it first before going straight into the drawing part.  (Robbie B)

The hardest part was trying to draw the kite shapes accurately.  (Kuba)

In real life I would see examples of tiling on ceiling, on bathroom floors or on the roof.  (Natasha)



P5’s Volcanic Eruptions

We started off the new term with a bang!  We tried to re-create a volcanic eruption using everyday chemicals.  We mixed vinegar and bicarbonate of soda in a bottle.  This caused a chemical reaction which created foam and gas.  The pressure built up inside the bottle until the lid was pushed off and the foam ran down the sides of the bottle and all over the ground (and Mrs Robley’s trousers!!!)

Here’s our thoughts:

I now know what a chemical reaction is that things mix together to create something new.  (Kieran M)

I now want to show my gran how to do it – I think I could teach her.  (Brad)

If I were to do this again I would advise the person shaking the bottle to do it quickly and run out of the way as fast as they can so they don’t get covered a.k.a Mrs Robley!  (Madyson)