All posts by Mrs Robley

P3/2 Reflecting on Our Week

On Monday we said goodbye to Mrs Campbell for a little while because she needs to go into hospital for an operation, but we are all going to miss her lots.  So on Tuesday we all made cards with Mrs Warden to send to her, which will let her know that we are all thinking about her.


We also enjoyed a listening activity with Mrs Warden, where we had to listen carefully to a story and colour in a picture neatly, according to what the story told us.


Poetry was our focus for Writing this week – we all wrote a Winter poem using lots of verbs.

Health & Wellbeing Day

The whole school had a Health and Wellbeing day on Thursday where we looked at all the SHANARRI words and added our ideas to sheets, to gather our thoughts and ideas about what is happening in our school.  Our class then made a display showing all the achievements in our school – Jada decided on our heading ‘Amazing Achievements’.  The best part of the  morning was doing the ‘Cha Cha Slide’ together in the hall!!


This morning with Mr Tenant, we were trying to develop our ball control skills by doing ‘over’ and ‘under’ activities.  We also had some team competitions where we had to quickly arrange in our teams from tallest to shortest and in alphabetical order by first and second names – we loved these challenges!

Another Busy Week in P3/2


This week, we’ve been continuing our work on subtraction and have been trying to use number line jumps more independently to show our working.

Some of us were learning the ‘friendly 10’ strategy, where we jump to the nearest ‘friendly 10’ number then jump the rest, to cross the boundary, rather than counting in ones.  We loved the challenge of doing this with bigger numbers too!

Number Talks

We did a ‘Target Number’ challenge where we had to think up with lots of different ways of making the number 9, using subtraction.  Here’s some of our ideas:


We’ve been focusing on reading with expression to help bring stories to life and make them sound interesting.  We tried to read to a partner using as much expression as we could.

This week we’ve also been identifying WOW words in different book.  We tried to find some from our reading book and also from the books in our class library.  If a page didn’t have a WOW word, we found a boring or everyday word and tried to think of a WOW word that the author could’ve used to make it sound more interesting.  Here’s some of our ideas:

Christmas is Coming!

It won’t be long now until our Christmas Fayre and Christmas Concert, so we’ve taken a break from our ‘Castles’ work this week to start making the products we will be selling at our Fayre and to paint some scenery for our Christmas Nativity:

Thanks for another great week Primary 3/2 – hopefully you’ll be able to welcome Mrs Campbell back on Monday.

P3/2 Have Been Working Hard!


We have been doing some subtraction work this week.  We know how to do this using Rekenreks and we have now moved on to drawing number lines and counting backwards.  Here are some pictures of us at work below.


Number Lines:


We have been focusing on nouns, verbs and adjectives and have been trying to identify these in different books this week.  We’ve added some examples to our class wall:

Today we were challenged to create and write our own sentences which had to have at least one noun, one verb and one adjective in them.  Here’s some examples of what we came up with:

Castle Collages

As part of our class topic on Castles, we have been busy making ‘Castle Collages’.  First we had to draw our own castle by copying the main shapes from a picture of one.  This part was quite tricky because we had to try to make it the correct shape and size.

Next, we have started to add brown paper to it to make it look like brick or stone.  We left little spaces in between each one so that the other paper shining through looked like the cement.

We have still to add more detail, like the windows, the portcullis and the moat.

We hope Mrs Campbell feels better soon as we are missing her lots and looking forward to seeing her again.

P4 This Week

Maths – Izak9

This week we enjoyed using IZAK9 for some of our maths work.  For one of the tasks we had to use our knowledge of the 8 compass points to help us complete the challenge.  Here’s some pictures of us working in our groups:

Halloween Artwork

We also did some painting this week, but not with paint brushes – we used paper towels instead!  We created silhouettes of bats by dabbing white paint over the bat shapes that we had cut out and stuck onto the card.  Once the paint was dry, we peeled the bats off to reveal the silhouettes.  Here’s our finished pieces:

Sunny Synonyms

Yesterday we worked with a partner to create sunny synonyms.  Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings.  We thoughts of WOW words that could be used instead of common everyday words.  Here’s what we came up with:

We hope Miss Eunson is feeling better because we’re all missing her and are looking forward to welcoming her back soon.

P3/4 Head Bands Maths

To help explore numbers within 1000 we played the ‘Head Bands’ game where some of us got a number to stick on our heads and had to ask the rest of the group questions to help work out what the number was.  The rest of the group could only answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ so we had to think carefully about the questions we asked e.g. “Am I between 300 and 700?”   “Am I greater than 450?”  “Am I smaller than 600?”  Have a look at some of us below:


P3/4 Assembly Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came to watch our class assembly on Wednesday, it was great to see so many of you there to support our children and share in our learning.  Thanks also for all the help and support you gave the children with learning their lines, it was great to see that they all managed to present their lines without the use of their scripts.

P3/4 Reflecting on RME

This week we have been learning more about the Jewish festival of Shabbat:

They smell sweet spices when Shabbat finishes.  (Michael)

They light candles so we made our own Havdalah candle pictures using collage materials. (Brogan)

They tasted Shabbat bread and it tasted kind of like cake.  (Carla)

They have to set their lights on a timer because they weren’t allowed lights on during Shabbat.  (Aiden)

They weren’t allowed to do anything like cleaning and cooking.  (Keris)