Outside and inside

This week we have had exciting learning times inside our classroom and outside! On Wednesday we went outside for a numeracy scavenger hunt. We had great fun as we challenged each other to make numbers from things we could find, then do sums! We used sticks, grass, leaves, pine cones…anything we could find! To make sure we protected our environment, we weren’t allowed to break things off of the trees, or pick flowers, we had to find what we needed!

Alfie ” I enjoyed it, we were having fun while we were learning”

Cory “I learned a lot but I enjoy maths in the class too!”

Phoebe “Making numbers outside was fun!”

Inside learning included our second visit from baby Allie for our Roots of Empathy course. This time we were learning more about what Allie can do now and how she communicates with her mum. She was much better at sitting up on her Mummy’s lap and her head wasnt as floppy. Allie was wide awake this time!

Hannah ” Allie looked at me, she liked my hairband. It was much better because she was awake!”

Eve ” Allie has grown a bit but she is still very small and very cute”

Next week we are looking forward to spending more time working on our business  ideas and making the things to sell from our stall at the christmas fair.



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