Look out for Primary 1 in the West Lothian Courier this week!
RRSA Update – Term 1 2013
The RRSA members have worked very hard this term! They have attended an afterschool club where they created leaflets, were ‘RRSA Spies’ (linking rights to classroom displays) and lots more! They finished their busy term with a fantastic assembly today and informed parents of the RRSA work that has gone on within the school inlcuding important rights that parents can help us respect! Incase anyone missed our assembly a leaflet will be going out today to all parents!
Thank you RRSA members for all of your hard work! – Miss McKenna 🙂
Primary 3 Weekly learning log 18.10.13
This week has been our second week in Money Fortnight and we have worked so hard! We have been identifying coins, counting up values and calculating change! We have also discussed different uses of money and completed research tasks on various charities. We had a successful open day today and we hope that all who came enjoyed looking at our hard work that we completed on money! We are looking forward to a well deserved break as this as been a very busy and successful first term in primary 3!
Primary 5 Money week
This week primary 5 have been looking at £5,£10 and £20 notes. We have learnt how to give change from these amounts. We thought about things we would want and need for our school and created posters to show this. We loved learning about money and finance and look forward to seeing the other classes stalls.
Money Fornight
October Holiday Week
Tickets are still on sale for the Halloween Disco on Thursday 31st October. Better get in there fast!
Our Money Fortnight Showcase was excellent with all classses presenting their work. Many thanks to all who came along and special thanks to Miss McKenna and the RRS group for co-ordinating the whole event!
Have a lovely well-earned break and rest. Mrs Purdie
Money Fortnight
Over the past two weeks we have been very busy in the nursery learning about money. We ran a shop where we sold things that we had made at the end of each session. We made £96.20 profit, the children have voted and decided to spend thier earnings on a spiderman and barbie toy! We will also put the money towards a new bike for the garden.
The Children at work
All parents and carers are welcome to come along to our money showcase on Friday 18th October at 9am. This will be an opportunity to take a closer look at some of the activities the school and nursery have been working on, over the past two weeks. There will also be tea and coffee available.
Please find below a copy of the Nursery Newsletter
Primary 6 – w/e 11.10.13
Another busy week in primary 6 – Mrs Traynor does not know where the time is going!
We said a sad farewell to Kaley who is leaving us for the sunnier shores of… Livingston. We wish her well at her new school and we will all miss her. Kirstin created a special video for Kaley which we all watched in class today. There were a few teary eyes!
On Monday, we had our third Forest School session so we were glad that the rain stayed off. After playing some games to help us learn about the food chain and echo-location, we had our lunch. The game about the tree-cutter then helped us understand why trees are so important in the world. Any cutting down of trees should coincide with the planting of new ones! Finally, we learned about fire safety (and toasted some marshmallows). Photos to follow next week…
Christmas also came early to us this week when we were asked to perform some Christmas Carols at a finance roadshow in the partnership centre. Mrs Traynor was very proud of us as we sang beautifully – like angels apparently! 🙂
We are looking forward to our last week of school before the October week.
11th October 2013 – P1T
Another busy week in P1T! We have been learning about keeping safe in school if there is a fire. We did a practise fire drill and know where all the fire exits are in the school. Miss Timmins timed us and we managed to line up and get out safely in 2 minutes! We also went a senses walk around the playground, where we looked, smelled, listened and touched anything which God created. Lastly, we have really enjoyed the beginning of ‘Money Fortnight’, especially our shop in the classroom. We are looking forward to learning more about money next week.