Mrs Purdie’s Update

Jeans for Genes day is coming up on Friday the 20th of September. You can wear denim for £1!.  The Harvest Assembly is on the 27th of September, donations gratefully recieved for West Lothian food bank                                 

Christmas card entries to WLMIN to be in on Wednesday  18th of september .

Two pupils have been chosen to represent the school for the forth coming Episcopal Consecration of the most Reverend Leo Cushley on Saturday 21st of september in St Mary’s in Edinbrugh .

Primary 1T – 13th September

We have been very busy in primary 1 this week! Not only did we have our picture taken for the local paper, we have learned two new sounds c and k (which sound the same!) and did different activities involving number 3. We have also been learning about the doctor and how they help us. Our poor class bear Marcus had to go to the hospital because he banged his head in our classroom, but he kindly brought us some pictures of his visit…here is one of them!

Primary 3 – weekend 13th September

Another busy week in primary 3! We have completed lots of topic work this week where we looked at 4 main characters from the book, Mr Wonka, Charlie, Grandpa Jo and the Oompa Loompas! In maths, we went outside to take pictures of objects that were symmeterical, we had a lot of fun and found lots of symmertrical objects! We are also trying hard to beat our scores in Big Maths! Some of us are very close at getting 40/40! We enjoyed seeing Ian again today from the credit union, where he showed us some amazing magic tricks and encouraged to join the credit union!

Dear Parent/Carer,

On Wednesday 18th of September we will be taking the Nursery children for a walk and having a picnic in the big playground.  We ask that you donate £1 on behalf of your child; all the proceeds will go to the Peanut paste for a malnourished child fund.  This will be part of the walking week activities. If your child owns a onesie they can wear it during this session.

Many Thanks

Nursery Staff

Parent Consultations

Letters have been issued with regards to Parent-Teacher Consultations.  Dates are Tues 1 Oct or Fri 04 Oct.   Requests have to be completed and sent back by Friday 13 September.   Appointments will then be issued over the next week.  Wherever possible we will try to meet specific requests to accommodate parents.   Parent evening_ltr to parents Oct13  The Book Fair will be present in the Hall on both dates.

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