Category Archives: Nursery


Reminder to all parents that the school/nursery fair will take place on Friday 13th of December. The children have been busy in nursery making items that we will sell.

Thank you to all those who have handed in something for the Christmas hampers. We will be selling raffle tickets week beginning  Monday 2nd of December. Donations of items are still welcome.

Many thanks Nursery Staff

Money Fortnight


Over the past two weeks we have been very busy in the nursery learning about money. We ran a shop where we sold things that we had made at the end of each session. We made £96.20 profit, the children have voted and decided to spend thier earnings on a spiderman and barbie toy! We will also put the money towards a new bike for the garden.

The Children at work

All parents and carers are welcome to come along to our money showcase on Friday 18th October at 9am. This will be an opportunity to take a closer look at some of the activities the school and nursery have been working on, over the past two weeks. There will also be tea and coffee available.

Please find below a copy of the  Nursery Newsletter

Oct 2013

Money Week

Next week is Money Week and the Nursery team has been busy planning activities for the children to use money in their play, explore different ways to sort coins and notes and explore paying amounts in money play. We are setting the children a challenge to ‘Earn a penny’ through completing a few simple jobs at home. Further information will be handed out on Monday 7th of October.

Nursery Topic – Sun, Moon and Stars

We have been enjoying playing in our space ship and dressing up as austraunouts!


We have been using 2d and 3d shapes to build and draw rockets.

We loved experimenting with baking soda and vinegar to launch a rocket in the garden.

We made a edible rocket using tomatoes, peppers, cheese and toast.

I would like to remind all parents and carers that it is our ‘Meet the teacher’ open night on Wednesday 2nd of October from 3pm- 4pm. We would like to show you what we have been saying, making and doing in nursery

Dear Parent/Carer,

On Wednesday 18th of September we will be taking the Nursery children for a walk and having a picnic in the big playground.  We ask that you donate £1 on behalf of your child; all the proceeds will go to the Peanut paste for a malnourished child fund.  This will be part of the walking week activities. If your child owns a onesie they can wear it during this session.

Many Thanks

Nursery Staff