
Primary 2 Afternoon

Good Afternoon P2, how did you get on with your writing this morning? Please leave a comment.

Here is the Eatwell Guide. As part of our Health and Wellbeing lessons, we are looking at the different Food Groups ( Fruit and Vegetables, Carbohydrates, Milk and Dairy, Food High in Fat and/or Sugar, Protein) and what makes a balanced meal. Here is an Eatwell Guide which gives us information on what makes a healthy and well-balanced diet.

The following link will take you to an interactive website where you have to sort food items into their relevant food groups.

Have fun!


How are your basketball dribbling skills? Practise dribbling using any ball. If it’s too easy, put some obstacles in a line and dribble in and out of them.


Primary 2 Morning

Good Morning P2!

Hope you are keeping yourself busy and doing lots of fun learning!

We are going to move on to a different Writing Genre, Explanation. Watch the video below, Maddie’s Do You Know – How is LEGO made?

  1. Write a title, for example, How LEGO is Made.
  2. Explain how the process starts and finishes. What is the starting material for LEGO, how is colour added, how does the LEGO get its shape?
  3. Write a final paragraph to sum up what the explanation has been about.
  4. Do not write your personal opinion or your thoughts and feelings. That means no I/we.
  5. Draw a labelled diagram to show the process.

The information you need will be in the short video. You may want to watch it a few times or pause in between to write information down.

The video in very interesting! Happy writing!