Primary 2

Good morning everyone, hope you had a lovely weekend and are all keeping yourselves safe. Keep working through your home learning grid in your folder. Here are a few other tasks to complete this morning.

  1. Literacy

We were looking at the ai sound a few weeks ago. See if you can write a list of as many ai words as you can in your jotters. Try to draw pictures to match the words if you can. Watch the video below to help you


2. Handwriting – you have a handwriting workbook in your folder. Choose a page and practice writing that sound, remember to start in the correct place


3. Continue to practice your first and second name

Remember to comment on this post to tell me how you are getting on. Mrs Reid

Primary 1 – P.E/literacy

Good morning Primary 1,

We hope you have had a nice weekend and kept yourself safe.

Remember you can join in with Joe Wicks to get your day started.

Today for literacy we have set you tasks that can be completed daily.

Here are your tasks:

Can you sign into Oxford Owl and read the book Big Bad Bug. Here is the link.

Once you have read the book you can complete the activities that go along with it.

This week we would like to you focus on the ng sound. Can you listen to this video to help you blend the ng sound.

Can you remember the action for ng?

Today can you draw a picture of something with the ng sound in it, and then write a sentence to match. Remember your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

Keep practising your words from your word wall. How quickly can you say them? How many can you say?

Pick a page from your handwriting booklets. Remember to take you time whilst completing this. If you have a green and pink pencil you can self assess your work. Circle only one green for growth and one pink for perfection.

We hope you have a lovely morning. Remember to leave a comment  and let us know what you have been doing! Also any pictures email them into


Stay safe,

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 3

Good Morning everyone!

I hope you have all had a relaxing weekend. This week you can continue working through the Home Learning Grid – you will receive a new grid after the Easter holidays. As always, if you have any questions please ask and I really enjoy seeing comments of what you have been up to 🙂


1. See if you can remember the Vowel House story and tell an adult in your house. Remember to tell them each sound and do the actions!
2. Pick a sound and write as many words as you can that have that sound in it. (Use your blue jotter for this – remembering the date and title ‘Vowel House’.) Repeat for as many sounds as you like.


Monday 30th March 2020
Vowel House

Don’t forget, you can hear David Walliams telling a story at 11am. Here is the link for today’s story:

Mrs Harding

Primary 2

Last post for the week.  Try to make a sandwich for your lunch with your family. Add some tasty fillings. See if you can half your sandwich then quarter it. Ask an adult to help you. Try to half and quarter other things you eat today – pizza, cakes etc. Have a lovely weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Reid!

Primary 1 – Maths

Good morning Primary 1.

Last post of the day! We can’t believe it is already Friday. It has been a strange week not seeing all your smiley faces, but it has been lovely setting you challenges. It is nice receiving pictures of what you have been doing and reading your comments on the blog. Please continue to do this as it makes Mrs Melia and I smile!

Last job for the day – we would like you to practice telling the time. Last week we were learning about o’clock. Can you tell someone at home where the big hand needs to point when it is o’clock?

Try this game at home to practise telling the time

I have also set you a challenge on Education City to complete the o’clock times.

Happy Friday everyone! Hope you have a lovely weekend. We will see you here again on Monday at 9.30!

Stay safe

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

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