Primary 2 – It’s Friday!

Good morning boys and girls, another week of home learning is almost complete. This morning I would like you to practice your number bonds to 10. Complete the activity below in your jotter.


Worksheet: Number Bonds (Numbers to 10)



If you managed this, try the task below in your jotter for an extra challenge!

Idea 263: FREE Differentiated Number Bonds to 20 Challenge Sheets ...



Read a book that you have at home with a member of your family. Try to answer these questions about the book you have just read.

  1. Who was your favourite character and why?
  2. Where did the story take place? How do you know?
  3. When did the story take place? What tells you this?
  4. How did the book begin?
  5. What is the book about?
  6. What was your favourite part of the story and why?

In your jotter, draw three different things that happening in your story (events). Try to write a sentence to describe your pictures. Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Have a lovely weekend. Remember to stay safe at home and to wear sun cream if the weather stays sunny. Enjoy and speak to you on Monday. Mrs Reid!

Primary 2

Good afternoon everyone! Here are some activities for this afternoon


This afternoon can you create a picture of some spring flowers? You can use anything you have at home – pens, crayons, paint, twigs/leaves from the garden. Make sure you make the petals, the stem and the leaves for your flowers.

11 Best Flowers to Plant for Spring - When to Plant Daffodils ...



Go on a walk with your family and see if you can see any spring flowers. Try to look for any other signs of spring as you walk. Think about what you can see/hear and smell. Here is a checklist to try and find when you are walking

  1. Blossom
  2. Flower buds
  3. Daffodils
  4. Birds
  5. Nest
  6. Flower
  7. Insect
  8. Lamb
  9. Green leaves
  10. Any other signs of spring


Once you have completed your walk, draw all the Spring things that you saw in your jotter and label them. Colour your pictures too. Enjoy!

66+ Spring Flowers Bor... Free Clip Art Spring | ClipartLook

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon Primary 1.

For maths today remember you have your sumdog challenge you can complete. Also practise counting forwards to 100 and backwards from 20.

Today why not practise your doubles. We were learning about doubles just before we finished up.

double 1 = 2

double 2 = 4

double 3 = 6

double 4 = 8

double 5 = 10

Why not try this song to help you


We are going to look at 3D shapes today. Can you remember their names ?

Have a listen to this video

Can you now name the shapes and describe them to an adult at home.

Once you have done that try the challenge on SUMDOG.

Have a great afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


Primary 3 Activities

Good Afternoon

I hope you enjoyed this mornings activities.  This afternoon I would like you to watch a video clip about arrays.


Ask an adult to test you on your 2 times table.  Ask them to time you and see if you can get faster.

Mr McCrudden has challenged you to make a seat.   You need to find 4 tubes /tins/cans/pringles/toilet rolls for the legs and then something to sit on across the top.

Mrs Docherty

P1 Literacy, PE, Science

Good morning everyone,

This morning for PE lets give Joe Wicks a go again. Here is the link,

In Literacy, we would like you to listen to a story as part of the Scottish Book Trust Authors Live. You’ll need paper or your jotter and a pencil close by because you are going to be doing some drawing too.

The story you are going to watch is Shifty McGify and Slippery Sam  by Tracey Corderoy and illustrated by Steven Lenton. These are two tricky dogs who change career after a robbery goes wrong…

We would like you to watch the author tell the story and draw along with the illustrator (films about 30mins long). You have been learning about authors and illustrators, can you tell someone in your house what these people do.

For Science, we are learning about sound. Listen! What do you hear? Can you hear birds or cars or people talking? Are they quiet sounds or loud sounds? What senses do you use to hear sounds?

Can you make a musical instrument using things in your house. Here are some ideas,

  • Put some water in a glass. Wet your finger and run it along the edge of the glass (you might need some help with this). Can you hear a noise? What happens if you change the amount of water? Is the noise quiet or loud?
  • Put some dried rice or pasta in a dry plastic box/bottle with a lid. Give it a shake, what can you hear? Is it a loud or quiet noise?
  • Using a wooden spoon, drum on a pot. Is this a loud or quiet noise? Can you make it quieter?
  • If you have an elastic band (or hair bobble), pull it tight and try to make a sound with your finger. Is it quite or loud? Can you make it louder?
  • Clap your hands and stamp your feet. Is the noise loud or quiet?

Here is a short film from Seymour Science on BBC Bitesize, explaining how sound is made. 

Have fun making more sounds,

Pop back this afternoon for your next blog 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P2 – Thursday 23rd April

Good morning everyone. Hope you are enjoying the lovely weather this week. Remember to put on sun cream and a hat when you are outside in the sun.


This morning log onto Sumdog and complete the Maths challenge that I have set for you. I will log on and see how you are getting on. Good Luck!

Remember to continue practice counting in 2s/5s/10s starting from different numbers on the 100 square. Trying counting forwards and backwards.

100 square and number line | Teaching Resources

Try up to 1000 and beyond if you can. Ask an adult to challenge you if possible. Keep working hard.



Continue to practice your tricky words on your word wall with a adult everyday. Try to spell the words on your word wall to. Make your words with playdoh/pasta/sand/pen/chalk outside etc.


We were learning about rhyming words. Watch these videos to remind you of some rhyming words. You can keep fit while you watch it


Now try to write in your jotter as many words that rhyme with

  1. dog
  2. cat
  3. bin

Try to think of words which have 4/5 letters that rhyme with these words too. Remember if words rhyme – the end of the words sound the same. Good Luck!

Primary 3 Literacy and PE

Good Morning

Here is a fun activity to start your day!

Write a set of instructions for an activity you have done over the Easter holidays – this could be a game you have played, something you made or built.


I have used capital letters and full stops.

I have used step by step instructions, using first, then, next and last.

I have written clear short sentences, in an order that makes sense.

I have included a picture or diagram.

Mrs Docherty

Primary 1 Maths

Good Afternoon boys and girls.

I hope you are all well. Remember to leave us a comment to let us know how you are all getting on. Mrs Melia and I would love to hear from you. Remember you can email us your pictures too. Even send us a tweet!

This afternoon we would like you to do some counting backwards. Can you count backwards with the monkey and do the floss at the same time?


Why not try some subitizing with Jack Hartmann. How quickly can you say the numbers?


We are going to continue with 2D shapes today. Remember to complete your SUMDOG challenge. If you have done that and fancy something else why not try the shape monsters game on topmarks.

For our healthy eating why not listen to this book – Monsters don’t eat Broccoli.

What did the monsters want to eat?  Did you make a list of foods you like and don’t like. Remember it is important to eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day. What fruits and vegetables are your favourite? Which ones are you not so keen on? Are there any you would like to try.

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


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