Primary 3 – 27.04.20 PM

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you all had a good morning. This afternoon let’s have a go at French and Technologies/Art.


Watch this video of a boy called Angus who visits a school in France. Play along with the guessing game, ‘En France ou en Ecosse?’

en France = in France
en Ecosse = in Scotland

In your blue jotter, write the title A l’ecole. Draw a picture of the French flag in the middle of your page (google it if you can’t remember!) and then draw some of the famous landmarks from France (from the video) around it.

Technologies / Art
Create your own pixel masterpiece using the online creator I have posted below. You can choose what to create. Some examples include a Minecraft style character, a superhero, a Spring animal or scene.

I hope you all have an enjoyable afternoon and let me know how you get on.
Mrs Harding 🙂

Primary 1 Maths and French

Good Afternoon Primary 1!

I hope you have had a lovely day, it is such nice weather again. I hope you have managed to enjoy some of it either in your garden or if you go for your daily 1 hour exercise.

This afternoon for maths join in with this song to count to 100


Why not sing with Jack Hartmann to practise the story of 8(number bonds) . Then can you complete page 5 of your workbook which is the story of 8.

Remember your sumdog challenge is up and running so please have a go! Mrs Melia and I will be on to have a look to see how well you are doing!


For French Mrs Grenfell would like you to make the rainbow. Can you colour the correct colour for each French word? Before you start why not listen to the rainbow song first to remind you of the colours.

You can either print this picture and colour the sections the correct colour or make it in your jotter following the rainbow below.

Enjoy boys and girls!
Speak to you tomorrow
Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

P1 PE and Literacy

Good morning everyone and welcome back to the beginning of a new week. We hope you’ve had a lovely weekend.

For PE this morning we are going to join Joe Wicks again.

For Literacy this morning we would like you to read an Oxford Reading Tree eowl book The Big Feet.

Here is the link

Try some of the activities that go with the book.

We would also like you to read your word walls. Last week you made pictures with some of the words you found challenging. Can you do the same again this week.

On your word walls colour in the words you know really well and can say without sounding out or getting any help. This will help you to track which ones need extra practise with.

Remember there are still activities for you to do on your home learning grid.

Pop back this afternoon for some maths and french 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

Primary 2 – Monday 27th April

Good morning boys and girls. I hope you have had a lovely weekend in the sun.

Free Free Sun Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...

This morning for Literacy, can you write about your weekend? Write your news about the sunny weather. I spent the weekend in my garden painting my fence. What did you do? Remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Try to sound out any words you are not sure of or use your word wall to help you if you can. Mrs Reid!


Mrs Grenfell has some RME and French activities for you to complete this morning too. Here they are…

RME – Shabbat

Last week – you compared Shabbat to your own celebrations.

Today – design a meal for a Jewish person to eat when they celebrate Shabbat. If you need to re-watch the clip, the link is below:



You have learned to count to twenty in French. Practice counting at home.

Use the link below to help you, if you need to:

Primary 3 – 27.04.20

Good morning everyone!

I hope you’ve all had a great weekend and had some fun in the lovely weather.

Wake up this morning by getting active! You could continue joining The Bodycoach for P.E. with Joe at 9.30am, or for something different, have a go at some yoga (in a Minecraft world!):

In class we have been learning about money. To continue on from this, you could try to join the The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and their partner website, MoneySense, for a live lesson on Facebook or Youtube this morning at 11.30am. To join the lesson, parents should access the lesson by going to the Royal Bank of Scotland Facebook page. #MoneySenseMondays

You could also try a game to help with budgeting, here:


Write a recount of your weekend news in your blue jotter. Remember all your core writing targets (punctuation, spelling, finger spaces, handwriting) and also try to use some openers, such as:
At the weekend…
On Saturday…
Last night…

Draw a detailed picture to go with your writing.

Please also access where I have set you another spelling challenge 🙂

Remember to let me know how you are getting on and if I can help you at all by commenting on this post.
Mrs Harding

West Lothian Educational Psychology Telephone Service

West Lothian Educational Psychology Telephone Services – extended service hours to commence, Monday 27th April 2020, Monday to Friday from 9am -15.30pm.

Telephone consultation service – during school closure period

For: Parents/carers, school staff, young people and other agencies seeking support & advice to improve the wellbeing and
educational outcomes for our
children and young people at this
difficult time.

Monday – Friday: 9.00am to 3.30pm
Call: 01506 283130 to leave a message with your details (name, number, school etc.) and one of the  psychologists will
call you back. Or, you can  e-mail :

Corona virus – helpful resources can also be found on the Educational Psychology  webpage:


Primary 1 Maths/Health and Wellbeing – JIGSAW

Good morning boys and girls 🙂

It’s Friday! I hope you have worked hard this week and are ready for a rest over the weekend. I know it is a bit strange doing your school work at home, Mrs Melia and I are finding it strange teaching you over this and not seeing all your smiley faces!

Today for maths can you see what you can find in your house that is a 3D shape. If you need to remind yourself of which shapes to look for and their names here is the video from yesterday.



JIGSAW Jack today would like you to help him learn how to cross the road safely.

Watch this first video to find out how to cross the road safely, maybe you can practise this in your garden by making a pretend pavement and road, or when you go out for your 1 hour daily exercise you can practise this.

Listen to this video and join in with the song to help you remember how to cross the road safely.

Who could you ask to help you if you didn’t feel safe crossing the road? Can you think who could help you? Draw a picture of you and someone who could help you cross the road so that JIGSAW Jack knows who to get help from.

Have a lovely weekend and see you all here again on Monday 🙂

Keep safe and keep washing your hands.

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

P1 Literacy

Morning everyone

Last day of the week. Well done to you all keeping busy with your learning.

For Literacy today we are going to look again at rhyming. You were all very good at this in class. Here is a wee song to get you moving and help you to remember what rhyming is,

Listen to this story and think about all the rhyming words. Remember a rhyming words sounds the same at the end.

Can you think of some other rhyming words to say to someone in your house? Can you make up a real or nonsense word that rhymns with your name? Like Mrs Melia – Mrs Selia or Miss Beaton – Miss Meetin 🙂

Today is the last day of the ‘sh’ Sumdog challenge and Education City games so have a go. Remember to say your words on your word wall with someone in the house.

Pop back for your next blog later.

Have a lovely weekend. Stay safe and wash your hands,

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


Primary 3 Activities

Good Morning

Time to have some fun with another scavenger hunt.  Good luck!

Click on the link below  from Authors Live to listen to the story Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam and try some of their suggested activites.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Sun breath

Lie or sit on the floor with your eyes closed. Picture a bright shining sun smiling at you. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Imagine the sun warming your shoulders and arms, your legs and feet. Lie or sit and enjoy the warmth of the shining sun. Gently stretch your arms above your head and open your eyes.

Hope you have a lovely weekend and stay safe.

Mrs Docherty


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